Your Love Destiny: The Vertex in Astrology Explained

Your Love Destiny: The Vertex in Astrology Explained,

Vertex in Taurus

The problem with the vertex in Taurus is that you don’t use your creativity as much as you could because you are constantly worried about looking foolish. We are very strong, but for some reason, we don’t allow that strength to manifest.

In a more detrimental sense, we suffer because we cling to our material possessions as if our lives depended on them.

Vertex in Gemini

Induces a nervousness that is difficult to handle. The underlying theme of Vertex in Gemini’s natal chart is often a compulsive taste for lies and airs and graces. There is a tendency to oversaturate with unnecessary information.

Vertex in Cancer

Possibly, childhood was not lived as it should have been, so there may be major renunciations in the present. These fears are related to the past. Vertex in Cancer has a lot of emotion, perhaps too much.

Vertex in Leo

Although it has a strong connection to the inner world, it is challenging to accept restraint and authority. The emotions of the Vertex in Leo are at the surface and this can cause us to occasionally ignore the emotions of others.

Vertex in Virgo

Obsession and compulsion are traits of this Vertex. Since there are strong desires to overthrow the current system and replace it with a new idea or philosophy, this position in Virgo is not easy. But, paradoxically and frustratingly, there is a strong tendency to withdraw inwardly.

This is why they unconsciously tend to bond with partners of Vertex Pisces or Pisces sun sign, people contrary in their way of seeing things!

Vertex in Libra

Because Vertex is so dependent on other people, it is important to develop the ability to make decisions and detach from others frequently. Otherwise, we run the risk of getting stuck in the past, which is no longer relevant.

Vertex in Libra has a propensity to unconsciously fixate on fiery individuals with Arian traits.

Vertex in Scorpio

You have a strong will, but you also have very strong anxieties and fears when your Vertex is in Scorpio. This can cause you to act in risky ways. Emotions can explode.

Vertex in Sagittarius

Is accompanied by powerful fantasy and unshakable faith, but on the other hand, in Sagittarius, the wounds inflicted on us are difficult to heal and we feel as if we are always in evidence.

Vertex in Capricorn

Capricorn often incites repression, lacks patience and shows a lot of fear of others in the sense that there is a more powerful authority figure than he is.

Vertex in Aquarius

The point is that, although thinking always rises to the top, there is a lot of inner suffering. This vertex in Aquarius can lead one to believe that everyone is against us.

Vertex in Pisces

There is a lot of enthusiasm, but difficulty processing loss is one of the issues with the Vertex in Pisces that needs to be resolved. When this Vertex is activated, we experience sudden bouts of distressing uncertainty and certain passive-aggressive attitudes.

The Vertex and significant relationships

On a sentimental level, the Vertex speaks to us of encounters that will alter our lives forever; these are the special relationships and the inevitable crushes.

Everyone has experienced a sudden attraction to someone who does not match their tastes or preferences. In these situations, we must assume that Vertex is to blame for our sudden attraction to this type of individual.

People with the opposite sign of our Vertex are more attractive to us. For example, even if a person’s zodiac sign is different, they will be more approachable if we have the Vertex in Pisces.

A person’s Natal Chart is too complex to determine compatibility based on the Sun Sign alone, the Vertex confirms this.

The synastry birth chart contains another clue to a predestined attraction. Angular aspects of a party, such as the Ascendant and Descendant, IC and MC, or Vertex, fall in conjunction or opposition with our Vertex when comparing two birth charts.

When a transiting planet or angle touches our Vertex, we may also meet someone very special and the birth chart of the moment can predict this. When we feel that we know someone who can change the ground beneath our feet, it is appropriate to do so.

Although at first, the relationship is one of complete communion, it should be noted that they have a tragic point. Love does not always get in the way of our happiness for the sake of it.

Even though this does not necessarily imply that the relationship will last a lifetime, it does indicate that this person will impart valuable insights that will improve our relationships and/or our conception or philosophy of existence. The same is true of the Ascendant and Descendant.

Each soul evolves at a different pace and requires more or less demanding learning. However, it is up to us to contextualize and appreciate each moment and take advantage of all that the union offers us to be happy.


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