The final trip

The final trip,

We all start planning and preparing when a trip is about to begin. We buy the necessary items and research flight, train and bus schedules and itineraries. But are we ready for the final journey?

The final trip comes unexpectedly

You, I and everyone born with it don’t want to think about that return ticket with no return date.

It hurts a lot when we are told that we hurt someone unintentionally for most of our lives. Sometimes we offend someone and hurt them without being aware of it. This is a fantastic reflection on life, our current way of living and our future goals.

The final trip

The final trip happens without warning, without planning and without choice.

Sometimes we are not even given the chance to say goodbye, so we leave without a kiss, a hug, an “I love you” or an “excuse me”. We make many plans and trips while we are alive, but we never take into account the one who appears out of nowhere and snatches us away on another plane like a thief.

It is similar to a rapture that leaves a trail of suffering and tears; it is mysterious and full of wonder; it is hard to believe because it seems like a lie and we find it hard to accept because the pain is so great that even breathing is a challenge.

When we know that we will take nothing with us after death, we waste our time chasing after numerous things, accumulating possessions and becoming attached to everything.

May be our last goodbye and memory

Sometimes, we run out of the house and slam the door without stopping to think that it may be our last goodbye and the last memory we leave behind. However, we live “unconsciously”.

Lately, I have been reflecting on this a lot because I have seen so many people around me pass away. When I look at my life, I can see that it is only a faint echo, that it is spent and only a quarter of it remains, but how can I know?

If the train back just picks you up at random. It just comes, regardless of whether you’re awake or asleep, dressed or undressed, ready or not. And it takes you with it. And I get it.

How much time have I wasted waiting for the ideal time to accomplish the tasks I want to complete?

I reflect on this. And I realize that this is the only moment that exists, the best moment and the only moment in which I can exist and act. Since this moment is the only safe one, I decide to stop procrastinating and start living in the present, treating each day as if it were my last.

Thank you

First of all, I want to thank everyone who has been a part of my story for so many things. Without you, my life would be bland and lifeless and I want you to know how important and valuable you are. You have been like different kinds of food that have flavored my life.

Every day I want to thank the great spirit for all that I have achieved: my life, my experiences, my successes and, above all, my love, which is the only thing that has filled me because love is what we are entitled to.

To be able to say, like Amado Nervo, “Life, I owe you nothing, life, we are at peace,” I want to settle my accounts with life, to forgive and ask forgiveness for all my transgressions, to let go and let go of all my attachments.

Then, free of guilt or fear, I will be ready to embark on that final journey.

Our thoughts, words and actions

The best gift we can give ourselves is to be aware of our thoughts, words and actions. How much are an apology and a conversation worth? I love you and a hug will come in time.

I am here, right now, without arrogance, without masks, without hiding anything and without going through life, without giving importance to our feelings or those of others.

I encourage you to take a moment to consider what you want your last trip to be like, to reflect on what your life has been like up to this point and to visualize what you want it to be like going forward.

But most importantly, start living life to the fullest right now so that you don’t owe anyone anything when it’s your last trip.

Avoid waiting for the last moment, which sometimes does not exist and whose arrival we cannot predict. Don’t wait to express your feelings; do it now before it is too late. The love we share is the only thing we take with us. No one is going to live your short life for you.

“May life forgive me for not living it more often?”

With information from