Archangels’ Day
Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are the three best-known of the seven principal archangels. In their struggle against Satan and his fallen angels, the archangels command the heavenly army.
Angelology: a divine science that brings you closer to heavenly beings who are guardians of mystery and power. Connect with angels to receive guidance, protection, and peace in your life. Revealing spiritual journey and transcending earthly limitations! Now, the sky is closer than you think.
Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are the three best-known of the seven principal archangels. In their struggle against Satan and his fallen angels, the archangels command the heavenly army.
The Archangel Zadkiel in Jewish tradition is known as the Archangel of Mercy. According to esoteric metaphysics is associated with the Violet Flame and is considered to be the archangel of transmutation, forgiveness and liberation.