Rheumatologic Pain Biodescodification

Rheumatologic Pain Biodescodification, InfoMistico.com

Corresponds for this type of pain to the Third Embryonic Stage: Movement and evaluation. Doctors are very simple, they do not ask themselves why there is pain, they say that it is the edema that causes the pain or the fracture…

Rheumatologic Pain according to Biodescodification — Emotional Conflicts

However, about Biodescodification, it is not enough, it is necessary to know if it is the periosteum, if it is the ligament, the tendon, the muscle, or the fascia, because we have to make a very precise diagnosis.

In other words, depending on the tissue, we will have data that will allow us to make specific decoding. With the beliefs and certainties in general we are going to work on pain.

During the bone repair phase, pain also appears, due to the edema of the periosteum.

Types of conflicts

At the classic periosteal level

  • Longing for separation, unwanted or painful contact. In case of quarrels, separation conflicts with resentment of brutality.

At psychosomatic level

  • The situation of comparison: “I compare myself badly, I have not acted in correct appreciation”.
  • Satisfaction with the results: underlying base conflict.
  • Impossibility in the face of the situation: realization, resistance.
  • Absence of respect: lack of love.


  • Spinal pain in women: “I do not feel supported in my family structure”. “I feel powerless in my social relationship”.
  • Headache: dominance and control, are the tonalities of people who have brain disorders. Motor problems = “tics”.
  • Moral suffering: example: “it makes me suffer”, “it hurts me”.

A range from 0 to 10 must be attributed to the pains to have an element of reference. A person with rheumatism has a feeling of victimhood, affective lack and chronic bitterness.

For example:

a) A person throws himself out of a window from a 5th floor and suffers a fracture…

It is something logical, it is called the dose effect. If we fall from 3 cm, it is normal that we do not do anything, on the other hand, if it is from a window of 5 floors, it is normal that fractures occur and it is logical.

From the biomechanical point of view, a bone can withstand a certain impact, but it has a limit and if this limit is exceeded, its resistance is exceeded.

b) A 75-year-old man is walking down the street and a little boy runs and runs over his arm.

The man fractures his radius. If every time some children hit an adult person and the latter suffered a fracture, there would be no more children.

Both extremes: At this point, we have the two extremes and we should not fall into the error of considering that the child who hit the gentleman is the cause of the fracture and that it was the force of the fall itself that fractured the radius.

Before the fall, before the fracture occurs, there must be a “fragilization” of this bone. This is the most important thing to understand, since traumatism is the detonator, however, previously there has been an unresolved problem that has fragilized a part of the bone.

We have two options

A classic one

I walk down the street and sprain my ankle. I go to the doctor and he takes an X-ray and tells me that it is a simple sprain and that I should rest it for three weeks or a month. After three weeks or a month, I feel fine and there is no need to decode.

On the other hand, the second

When after a few months or two or three years, it still does not heal. In this case, the normal course of a sprain does not develop, it means that there is a conflict. If it is a fracture it is the same, if after a few months of the fracture it has not solidified, there is conflict.

During healing…

You can also decode during the healing process and it will accelerate the healing process.

To be theoretical, every time there is an injury there is a conflict, because if I am walking on the sidewalk and I sprain my ankle, unconsciously I am living in a conflict, although I did not know it and the trauma brings it to my attention.

  • The ankle tells me: “take care of yourself, … You have a problem…”.

And honestly, I would rather face a sprained ankle than colon cancer. It’s revealing something to me that I hadn’t resolved. Rheumatism is often related to criticism, of self or others.

  • Probable causes: the impression of being a victim. Lack of love. Chronic bitterness. Resentment.
  • New mental model: I create my experiences. Love and approval of myself and others make my experiences better and better.

Rheumatological or bone problems

Habitual negative attitude

A person who thinks and feels: “criticism and mistreatment have affected me a lot and I have considered that I was a victim of others”.

Positive attitude to adopt

I am guided by the cosmos and my balance and support are perfect. I view others with love.

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