Pulmonary Emphysema Biodescodification

Pulmonary Emphysema Biodescodification, InfoMistico.com

A chronic condition that damages lung tissues and causes breathing difficulties has been studied to better understand its emotional, transgenerational and physical factors. The researchers found that the use of classical tools along with techniques aimed at physical and emotional well-being can help reduce the symptoms of emphysema.

Pulmonary Emphysema according to Biodescodification — Emotional Conflicts

Pulmonary emphysema is a chronic condition that causes irreversible damage to the tissues of the lungs, making it more difficult for the body to perform its breathing tasks. This disease can be severe and progressive and is one of the leading causes of death worldwide.

An emphysema is defined in anatomopathological terms by permanent enlargement of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, with the destruction of the alveolar wall, with or without overt fibrosis.

It is a chronic disease included together with chronic bronchitis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

The Emotional and Professional Implications of Territorial Disputes and Coping with Emphysema or COPD

One issue that has drawn attention in recent times is the loss of territory, often described as being akin to angina pectoris. For many women, it’s akin to a heart attack for men, as the heart represents not just a physical organ but also a sense of home and emotional grounding, as well as professional security. Consequently it’s important to consider both the emotional and professional implications of territorial disputes, particularly from the perspective of women.

Individuals who are diagnosed with emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) face an ongoing struggle. Upon receiving the news of their diagnosis, they often experience a profound sense of surrender and loss.

Patients with emphysema or COPD face the challenge of making daily decisions and adapting to a new reality as they seek to improve their health and quality of life. This constant process of adjustment can feel like being immersed in a game, where the stakes are high, and the odds are often stacked against them. Emotions can run high as they navigate their new reality and try to come to terms with the challenges of their condition.

They have obsessive thoughts such as “I’ll never win”, “I’m losing” and “The horse I bet on is the wrong one” and they wonder if they should keep playing or quit. Making decisions and adjusting to their new reality is part of their daily struggle to improve their health and quality of life.

The Role of Emotional Health in Pulmonary Emphysema

Feelings such as repressed anger repressed guilt, frustration or inability to express themselves freely. Anxiety may also play an important role here, as it can contribute to the chronic stress that leads to this condition.

People with pulmonary emphysema often have problems with self-esteem and feelings of helplessness and worthlessness.

Transgenerational Roots of Emphysema and COPD: Inherited Programs and Emotional Conflicts

Scientists have discovered that 80 percent of emphysema and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) cases have their roots in the transgenerational.

These are inherited programs that can make us sick, and that we should look for among our “doubles” people who have lived through some of these emotional conflicts:

Buried alive, hanged, asphyxiated by fire, drowned in water, victims of lung diseases acquired from working in brick factories, mines and exposure to chemicals, died in landslides, sunk in quicksand and buried in sand: these are all ways in which people have lost their lives in different situations.

In addition there are those who have suffered loss of social status, such as banished and disinherited nobles.

In other cases the fear of not being able to hold one’s breath for long enough – for example, when swimming or diving – has led to death. There are also people who have been forced to fight others to claim territory even to the point of dueling.

Managing Pulmonary Emphysema Symptoms: Practical Tips and Benefits of Biodescodification

Physical symptoms of pulmonary emphysema include chronic coughing, shortness of breath, extreme tiredness, frequent upper and lower respiratory tract infections, asthma and wheezing. These symptoms tend to worsen over time if not properly controlled.

There are several practical things that people with pulmonary emphysema can do to help themselves while using Biodescodification as part of their overall self-care regimen:

Avoiding cigarette smoke; staying active; eating a healthy diet; drinking plenty of water; getting enough sleep; reducing excessive alcohol consumption; and limiting close contact with people infected with COVID-19 or other contagious respiratory viruses.

The combined use of mental and physical wellness-oriented practices along with traditional tools such as Biodescodification can be beneficial in overcoming pulmonary emphysema.

Although there are no miracle treatments for this chronic and incurable condition, there are proven ways to significantly improve the symptoms related to it and reduce the urgent need to resort to expensive medications or invasive surgery to control them.

Biodescodification can be a useful tool to understand the cause of physical, emotional and mental symptoms, but it is not a substitute for medical treatment. It should not be used as a form of diagnosis or treatment, and therapeutic decisions should not be made without the advice of a qualified health professional.


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