Our Emerging World and Sedna

Our Emerging World and Sedna, InfoMistico.com

Inuit sea goddess Sedna is also referred to as the mother or mistress of the sea and the goddess of the underworld. Although there are other versions of her story, the essential gist is that when she reaches marriageable age, she rejects every proposal and chooses to stay in the comfort of her parents’ house.

Saturn/Neptune conjunction with Sedna in February 2026

Finally, she falls in love with a mysterious and alluring stranger, but when they move in together, he reveals himself to be Raven Man and Sedna realizes she has been duped. She is furious but is unable to escape the unhappy union.

Eventually, her father hears her frantic pleas and sets out to save his daughter, carrying her home in his boat.

A while into their return trip, Raven Man soars overhead, his wings whipping the water into a furious storm. The boat starts to fill with water as Sedna’s father attempts to push him away with his oars.

He tosses his daughter overboard in an act of unspeakable cowardice to save himself. He slices off her hands and fingers to stop her from capsizing his boat as she clings to the edge with all of her might.

She slips to the bottom of the sea, completely broken, while her fingers and hands change into the fishes and other water life—and in some tales, the land animals as well—that the locals rely on to survive.

Since then, Sedna has been residing in the deepest parts of the water, where she has been left bitter and angry by this treachery. The shaman enters Sedna’s aquatic underworld when food is running low to entice her into releasing more marine creatures for nourishment.

She initially refuses food as retaliation for the horrible betrayal she experienced at the hands of her father. Sedna must be attended to and her matted hair combed by the shaman to calm and placate her. Eventually, her heart softens and she releases the marine life to feed the land-based population.

Sedna is the final arbiter of human survival as a result.

She has power over the fundamental sustenance needed to survive. The dead’s souls are bound by the goddess of the underworld, preventing them from fully completing their passage into other worlds.

Until she is sufficiently moved to free them from their purgatory, these tortured souls linger in her dark and murky depths. Once more, the shaman is involved in this situation, pleading with the witch to have mercy on these imprisoned spirits and release them.

However, Sedna is not a person who is readily won over, so it can take some time.

Betrayals in early childhood and astrological Sedna

Astrological A far-off dwarf planet called Sedna is located in the chilly Oort Cloud. Her orbit is extremely elliptical and completes in 11,406 years. She was found in Nogales, Arizona, on November 14, 2003, at 6:32 a.m. (the time digitally logged on the first image of Sedna – thanks to Melanie Reinhart for this data).

In this Sedna, the feminine principle is sacrificed (in both males and females) to preserve the patriarchal power structure.

She demonstrates where we haven’t received the safety that was expected of us, particularly during childhood and where unresolved trauma and pain may have paralyzed our emotions and minds.

Sedna is therefore very significant in the charts of those who experienced some form of abuse at the hands of a parent or male figure.

It can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including rejection, oppressive control, gaslighting, psychological, sexual and physical abuse, as well as toxic criticism (which should not be confused with constructive criticism!).

Sedna’s environment is full of rage

We experience this rage where she is located in our chart. But it is constrained. As we fight to first recognize it, then articulate it, this rage simmers and ferments inside of us.

Sedna leads us to the emotional ocean’s deepest recesses, where we remain in a state of suspended animation brought on by repression and suppression, cut off from our fundamental emotions, irrational impulses and intuition as a result of the emotional self’s sacrifice.

We must confront our innocent rage at a world that failed to protect us and our parents, especially the father, who failed to provide us with the security we needed to feel generally safe to heal Sedna’s anguish.

Natal Sedna by house

Exploring the natal Sedna by house position can be especially helpful for people whose charts have the Moon high up—in the 9th, 10th, or 11th houses—as this Moon frequently reflects an experience of being “cast out” from the family at a young age, lacking the sense of security and protection required for healthy ego development.

This could be a literal “casting out,” where you are abandoned by the family and left on your own. Or it can be a more ambiguous experience in which you feel distant from your family unit and, consequently, beyond the sphere of trust and safety that a strong family affords its members.

Even the most stable and safe household might seem vulnerable to a child, especially if the parents are unable to meet their needs or control their emotions. This Moon may feel alienated from their family of origin, which could result in a sense of isolation at a very young age. The parallels to Sedna’s situation are obvious.

Sedna requires that we look into the previous betrayals that have so profoundly hurt us, process them and then let them go. Sedna is located at the Moon’s north node in Taurus and is in opposition to the Sun in Scorpio in the horoscope of her discovery.

The north node always directs us toward the advancement and constructive change. It demonstrates the traits, actions and priorities that are most helpful for reaching our full potential. Sedna’s placement here encourages us to confront our individual and societal past as a result.

Recognize the agony of past betrayals, as well as the powerful feelings of wrath and revenge that they engendered. Only by truly accepting what may be agonizing emotions can we develop a sense of self and soul that honors the truth of who we are and how we got to be that way…


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