New Year’s Eve Rituals to get married

New Year’s Eve Rituals to get married,

There are some end-of-the-year rituals you can perform to see your dream of marrying the love of your life come true during 2023 if you want to accomplish this goal. A new year brings with it the priceless opportunity to walk down the aisle.

What rituals should you do on New Year’s Eve if you want to get married in 2023?

Most people resort to rituals to attract wealth in the coming year. The most well-known ones include eating 12 grapes when the church bells ring, sweeping money to attract wealth and leaving with suitcases if you want to travel more.

New Year’s Eve rituals are important because they allow us to connect with our traditions, share with family and friends, create memorable moments and above all, give us time to reflect on the past year and prepare for the next.

These rituals allow us to celebrate the closing of a cycle and realize that something is waiting around the corner. They help us connect with our spiritual side, realize the importance of family and friendship, allow us to celebrate our accomplishments and motivate us to move forward.

Here are the New Year rituals you should perform if getting married is your main New Year’s resolution. You can then make your vows of lasting love with your ideal spouse in 2023.

Ritual with underwear

One of the most popular New Year’s traditions is to wear underwear in the color of your wishes. Red or pink underwear is advised in cases of love.

You just have to keep in mind that it should be a gift because, contrary to popular belief, buying something for yourself does not have the same effect.

New Year’s Eve Exchange Ritual

This ritual is appropriate if you and your partner have decided not to go to the altar for whatever reason. It consists of exchanging gifts at the stroke of midnight on January 1. This is supposed to guarantee that you will stay together in the new year.

The custom of kissing

Many couples carry out this beautiful ritual, but you may not know its meaning. Traditionally, the first seconds of the year is marked by hugs and kisses as a symbol of love and dedication. The magic that will make this ritual effective is your sincerity.

Love letter ritual

A very romantic gesture is to write a letter to your partner if you have one, even if you are not going to spend the end of the year together. Take advantage of these days to write it, give it to him/her and ask him/her to read it at midnight.

Express all your feelings towards that person so that he/she understands you and it is likely that he/she will soon come to understand the blessings of marriage.

Red Candle Ceremony

As the name of the ritual suggests, it consists of lighting a red candle just when the clock strikes midnight. If you want the magic to be more effective, you can anoint the candle with your favorite perfume.

If you know the name of your potential suitor, you can write it on a piece of paper with a red pen and place it under the candle before lighting it.

Other curious rituals to get married

  • Write your name and your partner’s name on a piece of paper and roll it in a white candle. Light the candle and let it burn until it is completely consumed after the end of the year.
  • Place a photo of the couple on a white porcelain plate. Add a few drops of water and vinegar. Light a white candle and let it burn out completely after the New Year’s Eve chimes.
  • Write down your name and your partner’s name on a piece of paper and place it inside a bottle. Fill it with water and sea salt. Bury it on the morning of January 1 in a secret location and leave it there for a year.
  • Candle a white candle in the center of a circle of salt. Light the candle and visualize a happy union for the couple. Repeat the ritual for seven days.
  • Place a white candle in the center of the salt circle. While lighting the candle, think of your partner being happy together with you. For seven days, repeat the ceremony before December 31.

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