Solar Eclipse in Leo: Unveiling the Internal Brilliance

Solar Eclipse in Leo: Unveiling the Internal Brilliance,

We stand on the cusp of the year’s final eclipse: a New Moon in Leo, seemingly mirroring the year’s first Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, inviting profound introspection on our personal evolution. This eclipse signifies the conclusion of a six-month maturation cycle, extending an invitation to uncover new aspects of ourselves.

Solar Eclipse in Leo – New Moon in Leo: Bidding Adieu to the Past

This New Moon in Leo, directly opposite the initial Solar Eclipse in Aquarius on February 15, encourages us to ponder on our journey and advancements over the last half year.

Today, we say goodbye to a phase that has been instrumental in our life’s trajectory, turning over a new leaf filled with potential and self-exploration. What can we evolve into? What novel energies are being kindled within us?

As we’ve discussed previously, the Aquarius-Leo axis epitomizes the interplay between the individual and the collective. How do we contribute to the collective consciousness? How can our unique energies be expressed freely through our talents and experiences?

During this period, with Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in retrograde, it’s an opportune time to reflect, reassess and restructure our life’s path. The solitary option before us is to persistently move forward, enhancing, nurturing our core and above all, dreaming. For without dreams that propel us beyond our present reality, progress remains elusive.

Eclipse in Leo: A Call to Radiate

This Leo eclipse, a sign urging us to refine our inner brilliance and glow in our individuality, steers us towards a process of reassessment and reinvention. Where do we stand in our personal narrative? What have we achieved so far? What are our future aspirations?

This eclipse, in concert with Pallas and Mercury, lends to the global conversation on “fake news” and its distortion of communication. On a personal level, it challenges us to reconsider our modes of communication and our ability to convey our thoughts. If we lack verbal eloquence, how else might we express ourselves?

Pallas prompts us to explore new means of expression and revenue generation (Uranus in Taurus) that were nonexistent previously. As the professional landscape undergoes transformation, so does our creative expression.

With Saturn forming a trine with Uranus nearly until the year’s end, it aids in organizing and materializing these remarkable technological leaps for our more structured and regulated benefit. With Uranus in Taurus, a rethinking of our financial system and our influence on climate change is imminent.

Venus, Chiron and Mars: Celestial Bodies Encouraging Growth

These and other planetary transits profoundly impact our world. Uranus’s entrance into Aries led to the explosion at the uranium-laden Fukushima plant and its transition into Taurus triggered the eruption of the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii. Such events impact everyone and take us by surprise but for those attuned to celestial movements, they confirm our intuitions.

Venus, ruling this eclipse from its domicile in Libra, opposes Chiron, compelling us to reassess our insecurities and appreciate our uniqueness. Chiron’s most inspiring attribute is his dignified acceptance and recognition of his wound, which, while unhealable, aids others in their process of acceptance and recognition.

Eclipses mark periods of transitions, moments to release, let go and dive into the experience of existence, with all its unexpected wonders. Such processes require courage but what other option do we have?

Mars pervades our psyche, furnishing us with the courage to confront challenges fearlessly, secure in the knowledge that it’s our necessary path.

Allow yourself to marvel at your own self.

This article offers an astrological guide, drawing on the insightful contributions of Cristina Laird, a trailblazer in the realm of astrology and the founder of Archetypal Astrology. Our aim is to provide you with pertinent information that serves as an invaluable resource for your personal development.


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