Kick ’Em Jenny Underwater Volcano

Kick ’Em Jenny Underwater Volcano,

The Kick ‘Em Jenny submarine volcano, located off the coast of Grenada, is a unique geological wonder and the southernmost volcano in the Lesser Antilles arc. With ten eruptions since 1939, including the most recent in 2003 it also holds a legendary cultural significance.

Kick ’Em Jenny Submarine Volcano: An Eternal Love Story

The tragic love story of Princess Jenny and warrior Kin Ken is said to be behind the underwater volcano’s eternal fiery heart. According to legend, their heartbreak and undying love for each other sparked the underwater eruption.

The Kick ’Em Jenny submarine volcano

Located on the island of Grenada in the Caribbean, is a geological phenomenon worthy of attention. Located 6 miles (10 km) north of the Caribbean Sea and over 200 km from the Venezuelan coast, it is the southernmost volcano in the Lesser Antilles volcanic arc and also the only active submarine volcano. Since 1939, it has had ten eruptions with the most recent occurring in 2003.

The legend surrounding the volcano is also a cultural treasure. It is said that in pre-Hispanic times, in northern Grenada, a story was told about a powerful emperor with a warrior spirit and a daughter named Jenny who was a princess.

Jenny fell in love with a young warrior named Kin Ken and the emperor consented to their marriage. However, on the eve of the wedding, the enemy armies decided to attack. The emperor gathered his warriors and entrusted Kin Ken with the mission of leading them into battle.

After months of arduous battles Kin Ken succeeded in defeating the enemies in the war. However, before the emperor knew of the victory, some jealous warriors falsely informed him of Kin Ken’s death in battle.

The Tragic Story of Kin Ken and Jenny: The Legend of the Underwater Volcano

Princess Jenny, upon hearing this news, was grief-stricken and stopped eating, falling into a deep sleep from which no one could awaken her. When Kin Ken returned victorious, he discovered what had happened and looked for Jenny. He carried her in his arms and together they plunged into the sea, disappearing forever.

Several people in Venezuela were surprised to see an underwater eruption spewing flames into the sky. The emperor identified it as the result of the sadness of Kin Ken and Jenny, who could not live without each other and had been transformed into volcanoes. According to legend, their faithful heart will burn like a flame forever.