Invisible Family Loyalty

Invisible Family Loyalty,

Have you ever wondered why you keep repeating the same mistakes in your relationships or work? The answer might lie in your family tree. Invisible loyalties and the morphic field are powerful forces influencing your current life. Learn how to release the emotional burdens you’re unknowingly carrying.

Invisible Family Loyalty: What Unconscious Patterns Are You Repeating?

Invisible loyalty is a profound phenomenon that affects people, driving them to repeat the experiences of their ancestors. This loyalty, which can be conscious or unconscious, leads us to perpetuate behavioral patterns without realizing it, trapped in a family story that seems to repeat itself generation after generation.

The Power of Repetition

This loyalty can manifest in many ways. A typical example is that of a mother who was unhappy in her love life and whose daughters repeat the same fate. The implicit message of this loyalty might be: “If my mother wasn’t happy, I don’t have the right to be happy either.”

Thus, unhappiness in relationships becomes a pattern replicated in the descendants.

Another common case is that of an ancestor who dies prematurely and whose story reincarnates in a descendant who experiences a similar accident or dies in a similar way, especially on dates close to the anniversary of their death. This phenomenon is known as anniversary syndrome.

The Unconscious and Family Memory

On a conscious level, a person might not be aware of these patterns or even deny them, but the unconscious is in control. According to scientific studies, the unconscious holds a detailed memory of the family tree up to the seventh generation. In this hidden archive of the mind, you can find family secrets, betrayals, crimes, infidelities and other events that have remained in the shadows.

Nothing remains hidden from the unconscious: everything that ever happened in the family, whether acknowledged or denied, remains present and can influence the decisions and behaviors of the descendants. Therefore, even if we try to lie or ignore certain facts, the truth always eventually comes to light in one way or another.

Revealing the Secrets of the Family Tree

To access these family mysteries, there are various therapies that allow exploration of the unconscious and breaking invisible loyalties. Techniques like hypnosis, kinesiology, family constellations, or biodecoding help people discover to whom they are being loyal and how they are replicating the lives of their ancestors.

Many current illnesses or emotional problems can be reflections of unresolved pain in the family past. For example, a sex addiction might be related to sexual repression experienced by one of the parents or grandparents. Similarly, a chronic illness could be the physical manifestation of an emotional trauma unexpressed in previous generations.

These dynamics continue to manifest until the original problem is resolved. Until this happens, the same emotions or behaviors will keep arising in other members of the clan, until they are finally brought to consciousness and processed.

The Morphic Field and Inherited Emotions

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute in Germany have investigated how emotions and behaviors are transmitted within a family system through what they call the morphic field. This field connects family members and allows experiences, feelings and even traumas to perpetuate from one generation to the next.

It’s possible that the emotions a person experiences today, like sadness or anger, don’t belong to them directly, but are an emotional inheritance from an ancestor. The morphic field acts as a vehicle that transfers these emotional burdens, keeping them alive within the family system until someone confronts and heals them.

Blind Loyalty

Invisible loyalty can be especially destructive when it comes to the repetition of unhappiness.

A person might think they are seeking happiness, but in reality, their unconscious is guiding them toward patterns of failure, as if they were doomed to repeat their ancestors’ stories. This can occur in work life, romantic relationships, or other important aspects.

For example, someone who finds themselves in a series of failed relationships might be loyal to an ancestor who never succeeded in love. Family loyalty leads that person to unconsciously push away partners with whom they could be happy, repeating the pattern of unhappiness that their predecessor lived. Even if they rationally think they have found the ideal partner, the cycle of failure remains present.

The Solution: Investigate and Heal the Family Tree

Breaking these patterns is not easy, but it is possible. The first step is to thoroughly investigate the family tree to discover whose life we are repeating and what loyalties are binding us. This requires exploring the unconscious and bringing what is hidden into consciousness.

The healing process is a task that benefits not only the person doing it but also future generations. Any unresolved problem will be transferred to descendants, whether they are direct or indirect.

This is why family investigation and resolution work is so important: it not only frees the person doing it but also heals the ancestors and protects future generations.

Awakening Is Mandatory

Living in unconsciousness perpetuates the problems of the family tree, while awakening and confronting them is the only path to healing. Ignoring these patterns and invisible loyalties doesn’t make them disappear; in fact, it can worsen the long-term consequences.

There are two main ways to identify invisible loyalties: through names and birth dates.

If a person shares the same name or a similar one to an ancestor, or if they were born within a seven-day margin of a relative’s birthday, it is likely that they are their “double” and are replicating many of their life patterns. This concept is key to understanding from whom and how we have inherited certain behaviors and problems.

Conclusion: The Path to Light

Awakening and healing the family tree is a task of great responsibility. We are not here to remain asleep, but to bring light to the darkness of our lineage. Only by facing and resolving family pains and secrets can we free ourselves and our descendants from the invisible chains that bind us.

With information from Eugenio Sánchez Arrate