Inner Negativity and the Dark Side in Kabbalah

Inner Negativity and the Dark Side in Kabbalah,

Your negative thoughts may be affecting your spiritual life. Discover how the cycle of negative judgment, according to Kabbalah, can connect your energy with the Dark Side and what you can do to reverse it.

What is Diná Takifá and Its Impact on Spirituality

Kabbalists teach that the Metsorá portion not only refers to the danger of speaking negatively about others but also to the habit of viewing life from a negative perspective. Whether it’s about oneself, a particular situation, or others, this negative approach has profound implications.

Some people tend to speak ill of others, while others prefer to simply think negatively without expressing it. According to the Zohar, this attitude, whether expressed in words or thoughts, is related to diná takifá.

Diná Takifá

(דינא תקיפא) is an Aramaic term that translates as “severe judgment” or “strict judgment.” In Kabbalah, this concept refers to an intense manifestation of divine judgment (Din), which is associated with rigidity, severity and strictness in the application of justice.

Kabbalistic Context

In the Tree of Life (Etz Chaim), the concept of Din (judgment) is primarily associated with the sefirah of Gevurah, which represents strength, discipline and limits.

Gevurah is the counterbalance to Chesed (kindness), the sefirah that symbolizes mercy and benevolence. While Chesed extends kindness without limits, Gevurah imposes restrictions and judgment to balance that expansion.

Diná Takifá refers to a judgment that is not tempered by the mercy of Chesed, meaning a relentless judgment that applies the law with full force. This concept is relevant in situations where divine justice manifests without being softened by compassion, which can lead to harsh but just outcomes in a spiritual context.

On a mystical level, Diná Takifá can be understood as an energy that needs to be balanced or moderated to prevent its severity from causing harm or imbalance in creation. This is achieved through the integration of Gevurah and Chesed, creating a necessary balance for cosmic and spiritual order.

In daily life, the application of Diná Takifá could be interpreted as the need to be strict or firm in certain situations, but also aware of when it is necessary to mitigate that severity with compassion and mercy.

The Connection with Darkness

Kabbalistic teachings suggest that when a person chooses to see the negative side of things or speaks ill of others, they are forging a connection with this dark force. It’s not just that speaking negatively is harmful; the problem goes much deeper.

Every time we focus our minds on the negative, we are attracting darkness into our lives. This act is not merely passive; we are actually making an active decision to connect with an energy that does not benefit us.

When someone behaves this way, they become an ally of that force that brings harm and judgment into the world. These kinds of negative thoughts do not remain in the realm of words or ideas; they have a tangible effect, creating a cycle where negativity reinforces itself.

As one thinks more negatively, the person tunes more into the Negative Side, which predisposes them to find even more reasons to judge and criticize.

A Vicious Cycle of Judgment

This cycle of judgment becomes increasingly strong, affecting both the outside world and the person who emits it. According to the Kabbalists, when we issue negative judgments towards others, those same judgments eventually turn back on us. In this way, negative words and thoughts not only affect those around us but also create an atmosphere of judgment that ends up turning against us.

Another fundamental point of this teaching is that we all have some negativity within us. This is due to what Kabbalists call the Desire to Receive for Oneself Alone, a part of our being that is more oriented towards darkness and selfishness. When we allow this part of us to manifest, we are strengthening that inner darkness, giving it more power over our actions and thoughts.

The Power of Awareness

Understanding this can give us a powerful reason to stop this cycle of negativity. It’s not just about avoiding negativity for ethical or moral reasons. What’s really at stake is our connection with the forces that govern our lives.

If we continue to issue judgments and negative thoughts, we not only affect others; we are creating an endless cycle that drags us deeper into the Negative Side.

Therefore, it is crucial to remember that when we speak negatively, we are acting in a harmful way and forging an alliance with the forces of darkness that exist in the world. In doing so, we open the door to more judgmental thoughts and this cycle reinforces itself over time, connecting us more deeply with the energy of the Negative Side.

Consequences of Negative Judgment

Additionally, we must be aware that when we provoke judgments in others, those judgments eventually come back to us.

Finally, by feeding this negativity, we are attracting more judgments into our lives and strengthening our own inner darkness. This process only increases our Desire to Receive for Oneself Alone, which distances us even further from the Light of the Creator and reinforces the cycle of negativity in which we have become immersed.

In conclusion, the Kabbalistic teaching on negativity is clear: speaking and thinking negatively not only affects those around us but connects us with a dark energy that strengthens judgment in our lives.

Every negative thought and word contributes to a cycle that, if not stopped, drags us deeper into the Negative Side, affecting both our personal lives and the world around us.

Understanding this dynamic can motivate us to be more conscious of our words and thoughts. By doing so, we can break the cycle of negativity and move closer to a life more connected with Light, love and positivity.

José G Balza

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