Identify types of stressors

Identify types of stressors,

We are surrounded by information on how to combat stress, but can we recognize the types of stress we may suffer from before seeking help? Some stress management ideas range from helping you meditate to spiritual harnessing and trust in God, to getting a pet.

How to recognize the types of stress I may have

However, knowing the root of the problem is a good way to know when to seek professional help. This is probably appropriate since not all stress should be considered a disease. We can experience unsatisfactory accelerated states.

Types of stress

Searches on the Internet yield many classifications of stress based on its effect on the body. However, the American Psychological Association distinguishes three forms:

Acute stress

Caused by the demands and pressures of past events or anxiety about the future.

It is manifested by short-term reactions and unpleasant sensations, so it does not significantly harm a person. During the time it occurs, the most common symptoms are:

  • Irritability, anxiety and depression make up the three feelings of stress.
  • Headache, back and jaw pain, as well as muscle tension. Stomach and intestinal problems are reflected in heartburn, flatulence, diarrhea and constipation.
  • Blood pressure and tachycardia, sweaty palms, palpitations, dizziness and chest pain. Although this feeling is uncomfortable, it is temporary and manageable. It is usually enough to relax or hope to overcome the events that provoked it.

Episodes of acute stress

They are people who have messy lives and many responsibilities that they do not know how to control.

The need to solve problems makes them more agitated and anxious than sad. On the other hand, they carry out activities in bad moods and under a lot of stress. They may change personal relationships due to their hostility. The symptoms that appear are:

  • Constant headaches and migraines.
  • Hypertension. Chest.
  • Heart disease; must be attended to by professionals. The problem with treatment is that these people resist change, so they can only be persuaded with the
  • the promise of alleviating their discomfort.

Chronic stress

Destroys the body, mind and life of those who suffer from it.

It comes from long-term situations that are difficult to control: trauma, poverty, dysfunctional families and unhappy relationships.

Persistent depression is the dominant form of pretending, to the point where people despair and give up on finding solutions. This is how people get used to it, think it is normal and skip asking for help.

Professional support is needed, especially because it can lead to suicide, violent situations, heart attacks and even cancer.

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