Horoscopes Month Sagittarius

Horoscopes Month Sagittarius, InfoMistico.com

The Scorpio season causes us to reflect deeply on who we are. We may ask ourselves why we do what we do and what motivates us to do it. We may discover hidden patterns of behavior or better understand why we behave as we do.

Horoscopes Sagittarius Month 2022 — Intuitive Astrology

As the Sun enters Sagittarius, we must put into practice all the inner knowledge and wisdom we have acquired during the Scorpio Season.

November 22 marks the beginning of the Sagittarius Season, which lasts until the winter solstice on December 21. The archer’s arrow is the symbol of Sagittarius.

The archer carefully aligns his bow before aiming in the desired direction. It will be interesting to see if the arrow hits the target or falls somewhere else after it is launched. He has no control over the arrow once it has left the bow. The rest is up to fate and the arrow is free to fly.

Thanks to the knowledge we have gained during the Scorpio season, we will be able to aim our arrows better from a position of alignment, higher purpose and greater wisdom. The arrows will have a better chance of hitting the target if we are better prepared.

Sagittarius New Moon

Gives way to a new lunar cycle just one day after the start of the Sagittarius Season. From this lunar cycle, we will be further removed from the energy of the November 8 Blood Moon Eclipse.

Eclipses are strong and can last for a month, but the start of the new lunar cycle on November 23 will help diffuse these energies.

Jupiter, the planet that rules the sign of Sagittarius, is also active at this time because it will set directly on the day of the New Moon. Since Jupiter has been retrograde since July, we may begin to notice themes from this period resurfacing.

Star Gate

A high-frequency Stargate that can help us balance our connection to the heart and mind is activated as we enter December when the Sun aligns with the Royal Star Antares.

On December 3, Neptune also sits directly in the center of this Stargate, bringing some illuminating energy. As the December 7 Gemini Full Moon approaches, this illuminating energy is still present.

The Mars retrograde energies we have been experiencing are activated by the Gemini Full Moon, which brings some turbulence. For more information on Mars retrograde, click here.

The Sun will pass through the Galactic Center between December 18 and 20, after which it will quietly enter Capricorn to signify the December Solstice. The rest of the Season is a bit quieter. Let us now examine what this suggests for your sign…


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