Happiness is U-shaped

Happiness is U-shaped, InfoMistico.com

Numerous studies support the assumption that we are happier when we are in our twenties because we have goals, projects, ideas and challenges ahead of us. It never occurred to me that this was not the beginning of happiness… but happiness itself.

Happiness is U-shaped — Psychology and Self-Help

Deterioration begins in our 20s and when we turn 40, we experience what is known as the “midlife crisis.”

At what age do we feel happiest?

That is, between the ages of 40 and 50, we reach the lowest U. At this time, doubts, reproaches and discontent begin to surface.

On the one hand, it is the stage of greatest effort and responsibility, which manifests itself both in the care of our elders and our younger ones.


As our image, which we have been forming since childhood, does not correspond to the reality of this stage of life, we feel unhappy. The goal is to create a new image or to embrace and come to terms with reality.

The rise of the United States begins at age 50. It marks the beginning of the stage of total contentment, where experiences are valued more than things. We have fewer commitments and reevaluate what is truly important.

What exactly is happiness?

What is happiness, when asked?

Many answers in terms of what they hope to achieve in life: money, celebrity and love. In reality, it would be a grave mistake to believe that fame and wealth are the answer. Love is fundamental because it is the basis of all relationships, but values are much more crucial.

The most sincere, kind and decent people you meet are undoubtedly the best. The worst are the unscrupulous people, as they lack fundamental values and are capable of committing horrible atrocities.

Happiest countries

The International Day of Happiness is celebrated annually on March 20. According to the most recent ranking, Finland is the happiest country in the world, followed by Norway and Denmark.

Per capita income, social welfare, health and life expectancy, social freedom, benevolence and absence of corruption are taken into account. Subjective aspects are also taken into account, such as how each person defines happiness.

Positive Psychology

The world-famous psychologist Martin Seligman talks about three types of happy life…

  1. The ideal way of living is to experience all the pleasures that life has to offer. However, it has significant drawbacks, such as the fact that it tends to stagnate and that 50% of that joyful existence is inherited.
  2. When you are deeply committed to something or someone, time seems to stand still and you live a life of devotion. Whether it’s your job, your children, your hobbies, or simply love.
  3. One of the most crucial aspects of living a meaningful life is realizing your capabilities and applying them to something bigger than yourself.

Together with his team, he concluded that the pursuit of pleasure contributes very little to the fulfillment of life. Human beings are primarily interested in meaning and engagement is a very fundamental aspect of that pursuit.

If you are engaged and have a purpose in life, then pleasure matters. Otherwise, life is meaningless.

What can I do to improve my mood?

  • Respect the tranquility.
  • Think about the details.
  • Be in the company of people who lift your spirits.
  • Get away from the hustle and bustle.
  • Meditate.
  • Make meaningful and lasting connections.
  • Enjoy music and the international language.
  • Travel.
  • The past cannot be changed and the future is unpredictable, so live in the moment.
  • Spend more time with loved ones and friends.
  • Laugh.
  • Be grateful.
  • Work together for a cause.
  • Exercise or play your favorite sport.
  • Help others to undertake.
  • Every day, let life surprise you.
  • Read
  • The adage “less is more” applies to both material possessions and sincere friendships.
  • Hug a tree.
  • Say no more often.
  • Live your life the way you want to, not the way society tells you to.
  • Break with the norm.
  • Stay away from people who always start a fight.
  • Watch what you say.
  • And most importantly, enjoy life.