Give roses by bouquet numbers

Give roses by bouquet numbers,

The meaning of giving roses varies depending on the number of flowers in the bouquet or arrangement and knowing this can help you know if the person sending you the bouquet is asking for a sincere apology or maybe it is a declaration of love.

The meaning of giving roses by number of bouquets

Roses are a gift for all occasions and will never go out of style. They are used for birthdays, anniversaries, to celebrate a special day, or if you simply want someone to know that they are important and that you love them.

Meaning according to the number of roses

Although they are associated with love, they do not share the same symbolism when given to a partner, wife, mother, friend, or colleague. So as not to be mistaken, we reveal the meaning according to the number of roses you provide in the bouquet.

1 rose

A rose symbolizes sympathy and solidarity, so it is ideal as a gift when you are getting to know someone and want to tell her that you like her.

The message is that you want to get to know her better and hopefully establish a relationship. If given to a partner, it signifies strong feelings for that person and the desire to always be together.

2 roses

Represents requited love. The person confirms that he/she has the same feelings as you and wants to formalize the relationship with you.

3 roses

It is related to the English phrase “I Love You” where each word represents a rose, so it is a clear declaration of love.

5 roses

When we want to give the message “Respect and Admiration”. It is ideal for first meetings, birthdays of friends, mothers or to celebrate a co-worker.

9 roses

It means that you are making a promise of love to your partner and you want to spend the rest of your life with them.

10 roses

Signifies that the love in a relationship is perfect, it is the ideal number to celebrate an anniversary for example.

12 roses

The symbolism of giving 12 roses is one of the most powerful: “a marriage proposal”. They should not be given by accident unless you want to convey that message.

13 roses

Symbolizes a strong friendship. Give this odd number when you want to tell your best friend that she/he is important to you.

15 roses

If you give a bouquet of 15 roses, it is a clear intention of apology. If you regret something and want to apologize, a bouquet with this amount of flowers is ideal.

18 roses

One of the most romantic because it symbolizes that, for you, that person is the most beautiful and most beautiful person you have ever met.

24 roses

A nice detail to send by courier, because the message is: I’m thinking of you.

25 roses

To congratulate someone for any reason, whether it is an anniversary, promotion, pregnancy, birthday, etc.

50 roses

This is used when we want to tell our partner that we want to grow old by his or her side.

101 roses

Means eternal and infinite love, which makes it an unforgettable romantic spectacle.

Article adapted and translated by / with information from La Opinion Newspaper