Astrology Forecast Year 2023

Astrology Forecast Year 2023,

May 16, Jupiter in Taurus

The 2023 season will begin with Jupiter in Aries and from May 16 it will move into the sign of Taurus.

In Aries, Jupiter is a very ambitious and energetic force, but in Taurus, it will help you slow things down and make you reflect on what you can do to take advantage of all your great ideas and build a solid foundation on them.

It is related to pleasure, especially when it comes to food. Being in Taurus also related to money and finances, these matters could obsess you.

In addition, it can also help you unlock a more balanced relationship with abundance. As Jupiter enters the early degrees of Taurus, it will be very busy beaming to Pluto in Aquarius and conjunct the North Node.

July 17, a shift of the Lunar Nodes to the signs of Aries and Libra

When the Lunar Nodes move from Taurus and Scorpio into Aries and Libra, new cycles of Eclipses begin. In astrology, the Lunar Nodes are mathematical points that not only indicate the signs in which the Eclipses will fall, but also the karmic future of the entire planet.

In the case of the North Node in Aries during the current year, it represents what you should focus on as a society, while the South Node represents what you should build upon or transgress.

In Aries, the North Node encourages you to be more independent and to move forward with your goals and dreams, even if you have to do it on your own, to begin with. Aries energy is fearless and fiery, it can help you overcome your fears and become the leader of your own life.

With the South Node in Libra, you are building on the lessons you have learned about your relationships and how you present yourself in them. You seem to be learning to find your independence and shine your unique light, even when you are connected to others.

July 22, Venus retrograde in Leo

From July 22 through September 3/4, Venus, as the planet of love, relationships, beauty and money, will retrograde. Every 18 months it retrogrades and transforms its energy expression.

In this period, Venus’ energy transforms in you as well, as you reflect and re-evaluate your relationships with others, yourself and money. You may notice changes in your passions, how you express your joy and your self-care routines.

Because Leo is a very heart-centered energy, you will experience the openness of your heart and develop a deeper connection to it at this time.

Eclipses in 2023

There are four Eclipses in 2023: two powerful Solar Eclipses and two weaker Lunar Eclipses. As the most dominant Solar Eclipses this year, it looks like you will be guided to focus on those new beginnings!

In turn, the last Eclipse of 2023 will be the last Eclipse in the Taurus/Scorpio cycle you’ve been working with so far, making it a power point for completion and closure.

These are the Eclipses for 2023

  • April 20, 2023: Solar Eclipse of Aries
  • May 5-6, 2033: Scorpio Lunar Eclipse
  • October 14, 2023: Solar Eclipse of Libra
  • October 28-29, 2023: Taurus Lunar Eclipse

Mercury retrograde in Earth signs

The year 2023 begins with Mercury retrograde and also ends with it.

This is the planet of communication and our thought processes, so when it is retrograde, these issues tend to be highlighted for you. Mercury retrogrades mainly in earth signs, so you may need to keep your feet on the ground and focus on the facts.

Mercury retrograde changes can inspire shifts in your thinking and as they occur, you may find it harder to find clarity. Sticking to what you know to be true can be helpful.

We must not forget that Mercury retrograde is a natural and normal part of the cosmic rhythm. According to mythology, it is known as the messenger of the gods, so it is always worth taking note of the messages your inner god has for you while Mercury is active in the sky.

These are the dates for Mercury Retrograde 2023

December 29, 2022, to January 18, 2023, in the sign of Capricorn
April 21 to May 14, 2023, in the sign of Taurus
August 23 to September 15, 2023, in the sign of Virgo
December 12 to January 2, 2024, in the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn.

With information from Tanaaz for


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