The arrival of the year 2023 brings with it major cosmic changes, bringing about significant transformations in the Earth’s energy grid.
Astrological Forecast for the Year 2023 — Intuitive Astrology
Below I will analyze the astrology and give you some key dates to keep in mind, however, if I wanted to select keywords or motifs for the year 2023, they would be as follows:
- Culmination and closure
- Feeling ready to start something new or begin a new chapter
- Make bold decisions
- Owning your sense of self in your relationships
- Being independent: being who you want to be
- Reconnecting with yourself through searching and asking questions
Astrology for the year 2023
Over the year, the three major planets will change signs, setting up dynamic new energies you’ve never experienced before.
The biggest change in 2023 is the shift of Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius. It is a planet of death and rebirth that remains for more than 20 years in each zodiac sign.
Pluto’s entry into Aquarius from Capricorn constitutes a change of enormous magnitude, which will open the way for new lessons to appear for the new generations.
Also Saturn, the planet of Karma, will move this year and leave Aquarius, the sign in which it has remained for the last two and a half years, to move into Pisces.
Saturn in Pisces will guide you back to reality, but its energy can also be used as fuel to turn your creative ideas and dreams into something tangible.
For its part, Jupiter, which usually occupies about 1 year in each sign of the zodiac, will also move signs in 2023, shifting from Aries to Taurus.
Since Jupiter will be in Aries until May, you can expect a strong surge of entrepreneurial and innovative energy. When Jupiter arrives in Taurus, you’ll take all those innovative ideas and give them a solid foundation to thrive.
Numerology 2023
In numerology, 2023 is the year of the number 7 and the number 7 governs your connections with others and the way you show up in your relationships.
Therefore, this is a year in which you will be thinking, searching and asking lofty questions. You may even discover a new side of yourself and how you can be more authentic in your interactions with the world.
Venus retrograde
During 2023, the planet Venus goes retrograde, which enhances the theme of relationships.
Get ready for a new Eclipse cycle with the lunar nodes moving from Taurus and Scorpio to Aries and Libra, which is all about self vs. other. There will also be two powerful Solar Eclipses in 2023, which can open new doors and create new beginnings in your life.
It certainly looks like this new year will help you shed the old so you can enter a new chapter. Let us now examine the most relevant cosmic events of the year 2023. Astrological dates for the year 2023 that you should keep in mind:
January 12, Mars Direct
Mars has been retrograding since late October 2022, however, as the year begins, it will go into a direct phase, ending this cycle. You may find that your motivation increases as Mars moves out of this retrograde cycle and your energy levels increase.
You need to consolidate ideas about how you want to spend your time, energy and resources.
March 7, Saturn enters Pisces
On March 7, 2023, for the first time in almost 29 years, Saturn enters Pisces. Saturn’s presence is earthy and in the more watery, creative and intuitive Pisces, you may find it difficult to integrate this energy at first.
When you channel this energy productively, it can help you bring a good dose of reality to your spiritual and creative endeavors. This energy can even bring ideas into reality.
It will also increase your feelings of compassion and guide you to connect with your softer, more intuitive and sensitive side. On a global level, it can bring to the table the role of religion or personal spiritual beliefs in policy-making and social issues.
Globally, it brings to the table the role of religion or personal spiritual beliefs in policy-making and social issues. It makes you question what it means to be spiritual and ask questions about your spiritual beliefs and practices.
March 23, Pluto in Aquarius
Beginning March 23, 2023, Pluto will enter Aquarius for the first time in your life. It will continue to dance on the summit of Capricorn and Aquarius until November 2024, when it will make Aquarius its a new home.
It is known as the planet of death and rebirth, so as it moves through the zodiac, it is dedicated to removing all that needs to be dismantled and, from the ashes, facilitates a rebirth. After each rebirth, the hope is to move on to higher levels of consciousness and awareness.
Power is related to power, so when you make a big move like this, your attention will be focused on large corporations, governments and financial markets. It will help you facilitate and overcome your moments of death and rebirth.
On a personal level, it facilitates and works through your moments of death and rebirth. Helping you to get rid of everything that no longer serves you to move into a higher state of alignment.
In this way, you can transmute what is in darkness and bring it into the light. With Pluto in Aquarius, you are likely to see a power shift.
While Pluto in Capricorn was very focused on vertical power and hierarchies, Pluto in Aquarius seeks to level the playing field and focus on what is good for the many, not just a few. There will be a strong push for equality and wealth distribution.
Conversely, you may also see an increase in a listening mentality and rejection of people who go against the herd. Fortunately, by the time Pluto has completed its Aquarian journey, around 2043-2044, you will have achieved the perfect balance.
April 20 and 21, Aries Solar Eclipse
What an amazing Solar Eclipse, one of the highest energy events of the year! This is the first time we have had an Eclipse in Aries since 2015.
The manifestations around this Eclipse will be incredible, so exercise your co-creative talents and set some intentions!
Although it carries some abundant frequencies, this Eclipse has the power to open doors and windows and shine light at the end of the tunnel. It carries with it some intense energies, but there is also a lot of fiery power around this Eclipse.
Your emotions may get heated and passions may run high, but see if you can channel this into productive energy to go after your goals…
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