
World of esotericism, a path of secret knowledge seeking profound understanding of reality. Explore ancient teachings, arcane symbols and spiritual practices that unveil the hidden nature of the universe.

Mars in Aquarius

Marte en el signo de Acuario / Mars in Aquarius sign

Mythology and psychology are intertwined in the figure of Ganymede, a symbol of Aquarius. With Mars protecting the essence of our psyche, it’s time to understand how the stars may be shaping our internal battles and our connection to the world. Delve into the cosmic dance of Mars in Aquarius.


Energy and Numerology in Your Home

casa según la numerología / house according to numerology

Have you ever experienced a radical change in your life after moving to a new home? There is an intrinsic connection between the energy of your home and numerology, an energetic vibration that interacts with the space we inhabit. Household numerology, discover how to calculate it and how it can influence your life.


The Evil Eye in Kabbalah

El Mal de Ojos en la Cábala

The Evil Eye is a real threat that can profoundly affect your life, but Kabbalah offers powerful tools to defend yourself. Take control of your spiritual well-being, use the Red String and ensure you maintain positive energy around you. Protection begins with your own attitude and daily practice.
