
World of esotericism, a path of secret knowledge seeking profound understanding of reality. Explore ancient teachings, arcane symbols and spiritual practices that unveil the hidden nature of the universe.

I Broke a Mirror: Beyond Bad Luck

Rompí un Espejo / I broke a mirror

The breaking of a mirror can be considered either a straightforward accident or an event charged with mystical meaning. In either case, there are effective and rational ways to deal with the situation. This article provides a comprehensive perspective on how to cope with a broken mirror, from practical implications of cleaning to spiritual considerations for purifying your space.


Commitment-averse male zodiac signs

zodiaco masculinos / male zodiac

According to astrology, some male zodiac signs are reluctant to commit to having children, as they are concerned about raising and educating them. Starting a family is never on their agenda because, in general, these zodiac signs do not take obligations seriously and are more attracted to an independent and adventurous existence.
