
World of esotericism, a path of secret knowledge seeking profound understanding of reality. Explore ancient teachings, arcane symbols and spiritual practices that unveil the hidden nature of the universe.

New Moon in Leo 2024

Luna Nueva en Leo / New Moon in Leo

On August 5, 2024, right after the New Moon, Mercury goes retrograde, which can intensify the effects of this lunar phase. During a Mercury retrograde, it is common to feel confused or find ourselves going in mental circles. However, this is a time to go inward and trust our inner voice.


July 25: Day Out of Time in the Maya Calendar

Día Fuera del Tiempo Maya / Day Out of Mayan-Time

On July 25, an extraordinary event is celebrated: the Day Out of Time in the Mayan Calendar. This unique day, laden with symbolism and rituals, is a unique opportunity to connect with the universe and renew your aspirations. Do not miss what the Mayans have to teach us about harmony and creativity.
