
World of esotericism, a path of secret knowledge seeking profound understanding of reality. Explore ancient teachings, arcane symbols and spiritual practices that unveil the hidden nature of the universe.

New Moon in Aries

Luna Nueva en Aries / New Moon in Aries

The New Moon in Aries is almost here and with it comes a cosmic opportunity for renewal and transformation! This lunar phase which will occur on March 21st, invites us to explore new horizons, discover opportunities and take the first step towards a new adventure.


Aries Monthly Horoscopes

Horoscopes Month Aries / Horóscopos Mes Aries

The Aries season of 2023 will bring fresh and daring energies! With the New Moon in Aries, Pluto in Aquarius and the Solar Eclipse in Aries you’ll be able to experience new opportunities and reach your goals. Keep your eyes on the sky and let yourself be carried away by the energy of the Aries season!
