
World of esotericism, a path of secret knowledge seeking profound understanding of reality. Explore ancient teachings, arcane symbols and spiritual practices that unveil the hidden nature of the universe.

The Christ Full Moon

Luna Llena de Cristo / Full Moon of Christ

This year’s Aries Full Moon will be on April 6th and its energy of emotional balance and renewal is an opportunity to start anew and revitalize. The celebration of Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus and promotes the integration of opposites in the fight for a better world.


Full Moon in Libra

Luna Llena en Libra / Full Moon in Libra

The Full Moon in Libra has arrived after the New Moon in Aries during the equinox on March 21st. This lunar phase invites us to look at ourselves through the eyes of others and pay attention to those around us especially those who are in front of us.


Mars in Cancer

Marte en Cáncer / Mars in Cancer

War and confrontation in a tense world? Mars’ passage through the constellation of Cancer has generated concern in the midst of a time of great global tension. In this post we will tell you how Mars’ transit through Cancer can affect emotional stability and community safety.


The Magic of the Seasons

estaciones / seasons

The seasons not only define our climate but also show us the magic of nature and its life cycle. In autumn, nature transforms itself and prepares for a new cycle. Have you ever wondered how these transformations affect your life and astrological destiny?
