Emotional problems related fingers

Emotional problems related fingers, InfoMistico.com

Index finger Biodescodification

Our index finger will always represent our capacity to make decisions, choose and indicate our direction in life. If in these areas we are a bit worried and/or lost, there is a great possibility that something happens to this finger.

It is a finger that is vulnerable to the following emotional conflicts:

  • I never imagined this would happen
  • I feel guilty because I did not fulfill what was expected of me.
  • I would never have suspected this or that.
  • I don’t know which way to go, I don’t know where I’m going, I don’t know what to do, I don’t know.
  • They decided without me.
  • They force me not to say anything, they force me to keep quiet and they shut me up.
  • They accuse me of something I didn’t do.

As we saw it in the thumb, we will also be able to know to whom the problem is occurring, according to the affected index finger.

Discomfort in the index finger of your right hand and that is your dominant hand, the one that hits when clapping: always about your partner.

Discomfort in the index finger of your left hand and that is your dominant hand, the one that hits when clapping: always with your parents or your children. Likewise with authorities or superiors or with employees under your command.

Discomfort in the index finger of your right hand and that is not your dominant hand, always to your parents or your children. Also with authorities or superiors or with employees under your command.

Discomfort in the index finger of your left hand and which is not your dominant hand is always about your partner.

Middle Finger Biodescodification

Our middle finger will always represent our sexual and/or love life but if we talk about a middle finger discomfort when we are not even by accident with a couple of problems or romantic issues, we should divert our attention to our attitudes towards the opposite sex.

How kind we are to the opposite sex, how we communicate with the opposite sex, etc. Emotional conflicts such as:

  • I long to have a partner.
  • I no longer want relationships with this partner.
  • I am tired of being alone.
  • I am not able to make them fall in love with me.
  • No one likes me, no one loves me.
  • Nobody likes me.
  • I was very rude to this person or that person was very rude to me.
  • I should have been nicer to that person.
  • I should have been nicer.
  • I’m afraid to be so dependent and so attached.

In the case of the middle finger and given that it refers to or will always refer to issues with partners or the opposite sex, there is no laterality. It makes no difference whether your discomfort is in the middle finger of the right or left hand.

Ring Finger Biodescodification

You may have already heard or read this. The ring finger is the finger of commitment. But it is not always about marriage commitments for example. But commitment is a responsibility or agreement that you have with someone.

Therefore this finger will be affected if someone fails you or if you fail in any matter related to promises, oaths, contracts, social partnerships, family alliances, work, etc. It is also a finger that can be affected by our emotional state regarding relationships with people we trust.

“If everything is fine with everyone, I live in harmony, but if something goes wrong I am not at peace”. Here laterality does interfere.

Discomfort in the ring finger of your right hand and that is your dominant hand, the one that strikes when clapping: always about your partner.

Discomfort in the ring finger of your left hand and that is your dominant hand, the one that hits when clapping: always to your parents or your children. Likewise with authorities or superiors or with employees under your command.

Discomfort in the ring finger of your right hand and that is not your dominant hand, always with your parents or your children. Likewise with authorities or superiors or with employees under your command.

Discomfort in the ring finger of your left hand and which is not your dominant hand, always concerning your partner.

Although when we talk about commitment we almost always talk about couple matters, we should look very well among our friends and relatives, if they have betrayed us if they have failed us in some aspect that we have interpreted as an agreement.

Even things as simple as having agreed that someone would call us at a certain time and not having received that call. Look for broken promises and plans that didn’t materialize and look on both sides. Broken commitments from someone to you and broken commitments because you didn’t follow through.

Little Finger Biodescodification

Although it is said to be the finger of secrets, it is more about the awareness that there is something that has not been saying. Whether it is that I intuit that this person has not told me something important or that I keep a secret from someone. Remember that it may not always be something infinitely serious.

Maybe you’re holding back telling your best friend that everyone is throwing a big surprise party for him or her and that’s causing your discomfort. The important point to keep in mind is that whenever there is discomfort in the little finger, it is because one of two things is happening:

You feel devalued because you haven’t been told the truth, or
You feel guilty because you have not told the truth.

So when discomfort occurs in your little finger, find out if you feel devalued or guilty and about what (what secret it is). Conflicts can be varied:

  • I know something is going on in the family but I’m not being told.
  • I found out something I would have preferred not to know.
  • I can’t say what I know.
  • I am being forced to keep a secret.
  • I had already been told that such a thing could happen but I didn’t listen.
  • I would rather not know but deep down I would like to know.
  • I am failing such a person by not telling them what I know.
  • I have to lie to such a person in order not to hurt them.
  • I have to tell a lie to get what I want.

Discomfort in the little finger of your right hand and that is your dominant hand, the one you clap your hands with: always about your partner.

Discomfort in the little finger of your left hand and that is your dominant hand, the one that hits when clapping: always to your parents or your children. Likewise with authorities or superiors or with employees under your command.

Discomfort in the little finger of your right hand and that is not your dominant hand, always with your parents or your children. Likewise with authorities or superiors or with employees under your command.

Discomfort in the little finger of your left hand which is not your dominant hand, always concerning your partner.

From now on, when any discomfort occurs in your fingers, you will have a more precise idea of the emotions and facts involved. This will help you to get better soon and the best thing is to know what and why it happened…

This article has been adapted and translated by InfoMistico.com / By Akasha Integral Healing


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