Emotional problems related fingers

Emotional problems related fingers, InfoMistico.com

Emotional conflicts can affect the fingers of the hands and some precisions can help us to understand what happened or why it keeps happening at a subconscious level and that gives rise to some discomfort or even an accident.

Emotions that affect the fingers – Biodescodification

The fingers of the hands allow us to make precise movements. Taking a piece of cutlery to ingest food, grasping a pen to write and even the fact of writing, knitting, pressing a button, in short, many and varied precise activities.

The hand as a whole and adding all the fingers, symbolizes our work and activity, everything that we hold emotionally.

Every Finger

For you to know why you cut just that finger, why you thunder just that finger, why you sprained just that finger, why you burned just that finger and other wonderful things, let’s start by being clear about an important notation:

We all have a dominant hand, one hand more important than another. We all interpret the hand with which we write as the dominant hand. In Biodescodification, we will interpret the dominant hand as the hand with which you clap your hands.

The dominant hand

If you clap, there is a hand that hits and another that receives the hit of the clap.

Clap with your arms relaxed, your hands at chest level, imagine clapping for your musical idol at a concert. Identify your dominant hand and make it clear that it may “not be” the hand you write with.

Now you know if you are biologically right-handed (the hand with which you clap was the right) or biologically left-handed (the hand with which you clap is the left). Having this clear, let’s go now with the fingers.

Emotional problems related fingers, InfoMistico.com

Thumb Finger Biodescodification

The thumb represents the mother, our mother. The relationship with her or your attitude as the mother of your children if in your case there are any. It doesn’t matter if something has happened to you in the thumb of the right hand or the left hand. Thumb to end soon, it will always be mom, stay with that.

Your thumb and with less strength, can also represent your good or bad judgment. Your ability to make decisions or not to know how to make them. It can also be linked to “food” stories. What is this?

Anything that has to do with physical nourishment, food, or emotional nourishment, whether you give it or receive it. What does this mean?

That is for example this week you didn’t get paid your salary and you didn’t have money to go to the grocery store, you might have some discomfort in either of your two thumbs, simple as that. Because the “food” issue was affected by a real event.

Another example now in the emotional, it could be that you expect a hug from someone very dear to you, but that person just greets you… your “emotional food” has been affected, you did not receive that hug, therefore, you could have any discomfort in the thumb, also of any hand.

Besides the fact that the thumb represents the mother as we already said and the emotional or real nourishment we already mentioned, it can also indicate other areas of our life, with much less relevance depending on your precise case.

The thumb also represents

  • Someone opposes my decisions or choices.
  • I feel devalued by someone who does not respect my decisions.
  • I feel that I did a certain job or activity badly, I could have done it better and I didn’t do it.
  • I feel that I am not taking good care of my children (if any).
  • I feel stressed because I do not dedicate the necessary attention to my family.
  • I told someone for something bad they did (partner, partner, etc.), but I feel guilty.

Do we want to be more precise?

Discomfort in the thumb of your right hand and that is your dominant hand, the one that hits when clapping: always about your partner.

Discomfort in the thumb of your left hand and that is your dominant hand, the one that hits when clapping: always about your parents or your children. Likewise with authorities or superiors or with employees under your command.

Discomfort in the thumb of your right hand and that is not your dominant hand, always about your parents or your children. Likewise with authorities or superiors or with employees under your command.

Discomfort in the thumb of your left hand and which is not your dominant hand is always about your partner.

So if there is discomfort, injury, or pain, something on the skin of the thumb, or something on the nail of the thumb, we must take into account all of the above.


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