I don’t know what to give for Christmas

I don’t know what to give for Christmas, InfoMistico.com

Many people in my social circle have heard themselves debating what they should give their friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives and other family members for Christmas. I don’t think I’m wrong if I say that almost everyone asks this question.

If you don’t know what to give this Christmas?

Starting from the middle class. This group of people has enough money to spend more than is strictly necessary and give gifts. That said, I would like to put on record that many poor people are rich in spirit, so much so that they give to the world with their generosity more than they have received.

Donate in the name of the person to whom you want to give a gift if you belong to the category of people who do not yet know what to give. I can also think of a few organizations that would benefit from your gift.

The intention of the proposal is very clear

Normally, we find the answer to the question of what to give thinking about what the person we want to entertain would like to receive, what he/she needs and what he/she lacks.

When these questions are difficult to answer, things get complicated. If this happens to you, interpret it as a sign that you need something; in particular, you need to get closer to the person you want to focus on. Tell her that you love her by touching or hugging her.

It is possible that the person to whom you want to express your affection already has everything he or she purely needs. That person may not require anything more from you than your selfless affection unless they are going through thick and thin.

On the other hand, numerous people on the planet are in dire need of various items, including those offered for sale in the stores where you intend to buy gifts. As an example of an organization that would benefit greatly from your donation, I will cite the following:

Doctors Without Borders

  • If you donate 50 dollars, DWB can buy rehydration saline and intravenous infusion sets for 6 people.
  • If you donate 100 dollars, DWB can give 200 rations of therapeutic food prepared to treat a child with severe acute malnutrition.
  • If you donate 250 dollars, DWB can treat a child with HIV with antiretrovirals for one year.

Donate here!

On this website, you can start by making a one-time donation if I have touched your heart and you would like to do so. There you have the option to let Doctors Without Borders know on whose behalf you have donated if you wish.

Uncontrolled consumption clouds things. Imagine being able to see the problems facing the world and having access to products that help you contribute to their solution.

Imagine walking into a store where you could buy the emergency surgical kits needed by Doctors Without Borders.

Think, for a moment, that you could buy resources to guarantee freedom of the press and that those resources would go to organizations dedicated to reporting what many media do not report, to denounce the abuses of governments and big companies.

Reflect that you can do it. Knowing that you can do it, ask yourself if you want to do it because, if you want to do it, I would like to recommend you these organizations to…

Amnesty International

I don’t know what to give for Christmas, InfoMistico.com
For its fight against torture, AI was awarded in 1977.

Several organizations have criticized Manning’s detention conditions, which include sensory deprivation, solitary confinement and psychological torture. Amnesty International is one of the groups that has taken a serious look at Manning’s situation.

Amnesty International is the organization that unwittingly began to give meaning to the adage “Think globally, act globally,” possibly second only to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Founded in 1961

Lawyer Peter Benenson was inspired by several people to launch a campaign to demand the release of so-called prisoners of conscience, or people denied freedom because of their political ideals, after reading an article about two students in the Portuguese city of Coimbra imprisoned for toasting for freedom.

Several people were inspired by Benenson to launch a campaign to demand the release of so-called prisoners of conscience, or people who are denied freedom because of their political views.

Their campaign has from the beginning targeted all nations, including communist, capitalist and developing ones. This has greatly enhanced AI’s credibility.

In 1977, AI received the now incredibly underappreciated Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts to end torture (Doctors Without Borders also received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999).

“Your contribution will make a real difference and help us demand justice and end impunity wherever human rights violations occur,” reads a statement on AI’s donations page.

Website Amnesty International

Peace Brigades International

PBI has a long history in Colombia. It works assiduously to defend human rights and promote a culture of nonviolence.

On this page, you will find more information about what PBI could do with your donation, as well as instructions for making an electronic donation to the company’s U.S. headquarters.


I don’t know what to give for Christmas, InfoMistico.com

I don’t know about you, but for me the first image that comes to my mind, maybe the first image I have in my life of Greenpeace is that of some gentlemen in boats in the cold waters of the North Pole or the South Pole getting between the whales and the whaling ships to save the whales’ lives.

With so many problems in the world, these guys are dedicated to saving whales’ lives?

Yes, they are. It’s just that these whales are mammals like us. They have calves. Sometimes they go to the beach to die and we don’t understand why they give themselves up to death like that.

Did they think we were the only philosophical species because we are aware of death?

Change your mind and consider the possibility that whales are our sister species on this planet.

We need this sense of camaraderie now more than ever in the face of planetary destruction and global warming, for which Greenpeace activists are willing to risk their lives. If you have this sense, you quickly realize how many things are going wrong in the world.

I will use as an example the French nuclear tests that were taking place in the South Pacific. Greenpeace traveled there to denounce the problem. Their goal was to enter the area where France planned to detonate one of its nuclear bombs. What did France do?

Bomb the Rainbow Warrior, a Greenpeace ship.

From the Minister of Defense on down, everyone had to resign when it became known in France how their government had been involved in that incident. Greenpeace carries out various environmental activities. They also need our help to carry them out. Donate here.


You don’t need me to tell you how important Wikipedia is or how it constantly makes knowledge available to everyone. Remember that Wikipedia is ad-free, non-profit and highly effective.

According to its founder, Jimmy Wales “Both Google and Yahoo employ thousands of people and servers. We employ 150 people and about 800 servers. With millions of monthly visitors and billions of page views, Wikipedia is the fifth most visited website on the Internet”.

Before you reach into your pocket, don’t hold back too long. You can donate money here.

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