July 25: Day Out of Time in the Maya Calendar

July 25: Day Out of Time in the Maya Calendar, InfoMistico.com

Did you know that July 25 is not just another date on the calendar? In the Mayan worldview, this special day, known as the Day Out of Time, is full of magic and deep meaning. Discover how this ancient tradition can transform your life.

Day Out of Time: Rituals and Meaning of July 25

July 25 is more than just a day on the calendar. According to Mayan culture, this day is known as the ‘Day Out of Time,’ a day filled with meaning and purpose. It is a celebration of harmony and creativity, an invitation to reflect on our connection with the Universe and to renew our personal aspirations.

The Dawn of Mayan Time

The intricate and precise Mayan calendar begins its years every July 26 and concludes them on July 24, twelve months later. But what happens on July 25? This day, according to the Mayans, is suspended in the air, considered the “Day Out of Time.”

This spiritual pause is visualized as a sacred moment to activate the divine presence within oneself, dedicating it to fun, art, magic and creativity. July 25 echoes the wisdom of our ancestors, who followed the natural course of things, a day to express gratitude, forgive and bless.

In Lak’ech: Unity and Self-Transformation

In Lak’ech: A Call to Reflection and Connection

This is an ideal day to update your wish list, set goals and map out the mental plans that will lead you to them. It is a day for forgiveness, where words like “I’m sorry,” “please forgive me,” “thank you,” “I love you” acquire a healing power.

But it is not only a day for self-knowledge and self-analysis; it is a day that invites loving others and reflecting on human unity. Under the Mayan prism, the greeting In Lak’ech, meaning “I am another you,” gives rise to the response Ala K’in, or “You are another me.”

This greeting is the basis of the belief in unity with the Infinite Energy that makes everything possible, a universal and respectful concept.

Rituals and Beliefs of the Day Out of Time

Between Rituals and Sudden Changes: The Mayan Dawn of July 25

The Day Out of Time is a day of particular rituals and customs. A Mayan year begins with the dawn of July 25, so it is traditional to keep trash inside and not take it out until Wednesday, July 26. It is customary to keep all cleaning utensils out of sight, hidden until the next morning.

We could all have the chance to experience a stroke of luck. Daily activities are seen positively and are expected to benefit love, beauty, politics, art, communications, travel and ideas.

However, there is a tendency for things not to go as expected. There may be setbacks or returns, mainly related to surprises, planes, technology, electricity, creativity, non-profit organizations, friendships, or innovations.

The likelihood of earthquakes, accidents, ruptures, unforeseen events, storms with lightning, sudden changes, strikes, rebellions, crazy ideas, or strange behaviors increases on this day, both in humans and in nature.

The Day Out of Time: Precautions in the Eye of the Emotional Storm

Managing Stress in a Time Out of Time

The energies of the environment may generate stress. Feelings can alternate unexpectedly and emotions can easily get out of control. Therefore, it is recommended to stay calm and take care of our emotional health.

To prevent any eventuality, it is advisable to avoid excessive alcohol consumption, spiritualist sessions, hypnosis, psychotropic and sedative drugs and not to go sailing. It is a day to question what we are told and not take everything at face value.

Be alert to the risks of falls, intoxications, suffocations, or excessive sadness. If you work in photography, theater, film, pharmacies, or detention centers, it is recommended to put in a little extra effort to ensure everything works correctly. If you need to arrive early somewhere, it is best to leave with plenty of time.

It is advisable to avoid caves, dark places, repetitions and be alert to extreme temperatures, resignations, layoffs, or absences. On this day, crises, problems with banks, losses, secrets, kidnappings, or explosions may arise.

The Light of the Yellow Galactic Star: Meditation and Harmony on the Day Out of Time

According to the Mayan worldview, a special star, the Yellow Galactic Star, illuminates the astrological firmament on this day. This celestial body emanates special energies for what is destined on the Day Out of Time, favoring art and intellectual activity.

Therefore, it is a propitious moment to dedicate a few minutes to meditation and celebration. The thought that will activate these energies is: “I Bring Harmony.”

This mantra invites us to let the brilliance of our inner star emanate from the soul, in perfect harmony with the Universe. It calls us to seek harmony through art, achieving the integrity of beauty, guided by the human seal and the power of free will.

An Echo of Divinity and the Promise of the Impossible

Call for Peace and Creativity

It is an invitation to raise the flag of Peace, to create artistically, to make music and circles of singing and drumming. The Day Out of Time is a day to organize a universal forgiveness ceremony and sing for the Earth. It is also a call to pray for Universal Harmony.

It is a special day to send a telepathic signal to other worlds through group or individual meditations. We can visualize the Earth covered with healing rays of colors, radiating the colors to other dimensions.

It is an opportunity to recreate the world, improve it and activate the divine presence within us, dedicating it to play, art and creativity. The Day Out of Time helps us remember more easily that we carry divinity within us, which unites us as one.

End July 25 by celebrating the ancestral wisdom of the Mayans. Participate in rituals, connect with the energy of the Yellow Galactic Star and feel harmony in your life. It is a day for unity and peace.

This article presents an astrological perspective based on the works of Susana Colucci, founder of horoscopias.com.