Positive Perspective on Life

Positive Perspective on Life, InfoMistico.com

Do you want to know the secret to a life full of happiness and success? We present the impactful stories of a manager who, through faith and resilience, has inspired many to maintain a positive attitude even in the most difficult times.

How to Maintain a Positive Attitude in the Face of Daily Challenges

Lucas had one of those personalities that evokes mixed feelings. He remained perpetually optimistic, offering words of encouragement and positivity. When asked how he was feeling, he would jokingly respond, “If I were any better, I’d be twins.”

He was an unusual manager; he had waitresses by his side who had accompanied him throughout his career in various establishments. This loyalty was undoubtedly due to his unwavering attitude.

Lucas had the gift of inspiring: when faced with a discouraged employee, he always found a way to show them the glass half full. This ability caught my attention, so one day I decided to approach him and ask:

— How is it possible to stay so positive? How do you achieve that balance?

Lucas, smiling, replied:

— Every morning, upon waking up, I ask myself two options: “Today, I can choose to be happy or sad. I choose happiness.”

— “In the face of adversity, I can choose to be a victim or seek a lesson. I choose to learn.”

— “When someone approaches with complaints or grievances, I have the choice to join the pessimism or show them the bright side. I always choose the latter.”

Upon hearing him, I objected: — It can’t be that simple.

Lucas, with serenity, responded: — Actually, it is. Life is made up of decisions. Every circumstance gives you the opportunity to choose.

— “You determine how you will react to each situation, decide how much you will let others influence your mood, choose to be happy or sad.”


His words left a deep mark on me.

Some time later, I left the hospitality industry to embark on my own path. Although I lost contact with Lucas, his teachings accompanied me in every decision.

A few years later, I received news that Lucas had faced grave danger: due to a lapse, he left a door open and was the victim of a violent assault. Under pressure, while trying to open the safe, his trembling hand missed the combination. The assailants, overcome with fear, shot him. Fortunately, he was found in time and underwent emergency surgery, although shards remained in his body.

When I met Lucas again, months after the incident and asked about his condition, he responded with his typical spark: “If I were any better, I’d be twins.” When inquiring about what happened that fateful day, Lucas shared:

— “The first thing I thought was about the lapse with the door. But while lying there injured, I remembered I had two options: fight for my life or give up. I chose to fight.”

— Weren’t you overcome with fear? I inquired.

Lucas continued:

— “The medical team was exceptional, always conveying hope. But as I entered the operating room and saw the concern in their eyes, fear took hold of me. At that moment, I realized I had to act.”

— And what did you do? I questioned.

— “One of the doctors asked if I had any allergies. With a trembling voice, I exclaimed: To bullets! While laughter broke out, I added: I have decided to live, so please treat me like someone who is fighting, not as a condemned man.”

Lucas overcame that ordeal thanks to the skill of the doctors, but especially due to his formidable attitude.

Attitude is everything. Like Lucas, you can choose how to face each day and transform your life with a positive perspective. Don’t miss the opportunity to apply these tips and live a fuller and happier life.