Biodecoding: The Emotional Roots of Physical Diseases

Biodecoding: The Emotional Roots of Physical Diseases,

Health is not just the absence of disease, but a balance of physical, mental and social well-being. We acknowledge disease as part of the human condition, describing it as an imbalance in these three aspects. Biodecoding teaches us that many diseases not only have clear biological causes but also deep emotional roots.

How Emotions Trigger Physical Illnesses: Insights from Biodecoding

Diseases can originate from infectious sources (caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites) or non-infectious sources (stemming from genetic or environmental factors). Additionally, these diseases are categorized as acute, like the flu, which appears quickly and are short-lived; or chronic, like arthritis, which develops slowly and may persist indefinitely.

Types of Diseases According to Their Frequency

Within diseases, we find classifications according to their frequency in the population:

  • Sporadic: occurs in isolation, like strokes.
  • Endemic: constantly present in a region, like malaria in tropical climates.
  • Epidemic and pandemic: affect a large number of individuals in a short period and can extend across multiple regions or globally.

It is estimated that 70% of diseases have an emotional component. These emotional and physical diseases arise from emotions not properly managed, such as fear and repression, which in the long term trigger physical symptoms.

Physical and Environmental Factors in Health

Physical Factors

The quality of air, water and nutrition are essential for maintaining good health. Exposure to polluted air and water, along with an inadequate or excessive diet, can lead to diseases. It is crucial to consume fresh and natural foods and to ensure adequate hydration to prevent imbalances that result in irritability or mental health issues.

Emotional Environment

Managing emotions plays a crucial role in our physical health. Negative emotions such as anger affect the functioning of vital organs, like the liver and can manifest as physical symptoms. Biodecoding suggests that by facing and resolving these emotions, we can prevent or heal diseases.

Psychological Impact of Emotional and Physical Diseases

Psychological Facets and Their Effects on Health

Unprocessed or unresolved emotions can evolve into acute mental illnesses, significantly altering behavior, feelings and thoughts. According to psychologist Robert Ader, there is intense communication between the central nervous system and the immune system. These biological pathways demonstrate that the mind, emotions and body are intimately connected and do not operate in isolation.

Disruptions from Persistent Worries

Disruptions caused by chronic worries can affect various systems of the body:

  • Muscular and pulmonary: Changes in worry directly impact these systems.
  • Cardiovascular and hepatic: Emotional disorders predominantly affect the heart and liver.
  • Ailments like rheumatism, sciatica and headaches: These are often the result of deep emotional repression.

Negative thoughts such as doubt and mistrust negatively impact the brain, lungs, heart and overall vitality, weakening the nervous system and increasing susceptibility to diseases.

An emotional disorder may not manifest physically for a long period, but it weakens the organism, making it prone to illnesses like the flu, headaches, digestive problems and chronic fatigue.

Exaggerated Emotions and Their Impact on Organic Health

A problem in a specific organ can trigger exaggerated emotions, most notably affecting the heart, liver and spleen. Each organ, when imbalanced, can exhibit specific symptoms:

  • Heart: palpitations, nightmares, insomnia, mental disturbances.
  • Liver: depression, irritability, flank pain.
  • Spleen: appetite changes, swollen belly.
  • Kidneys and adrenal glands: fear that can escalate into panic.
  • Senses like vision and hearing: affected by ignorance or lack of knowledge.
  • Neuromuscular system: emotional instability affecting coordination and movement.
  • Mental state: cruelty can generate physical and mental pain, while joy can mitigate and process other emotions, linking them to the heart.

Emotions, often considered negative, have a positive side that manifests when they are expressed and managed properly. For example, anger can be a positive force that motivates self-affirmation and the defense of personal rights. However, if it transforms into irritability or resentment, it can have detrimental effects on health, especially on the liver and digestive system.

Allergies and Their Emotional Connection

Allergic reactions: internal conflict and lack of acceptance

Allergies represent an exaggerated response of the body to an element perceived as threatening. From the perspective of biodecoding, this reflects an internal struggle and emotional resistance to accepting certain situations or emotions. Resistance is contrary to love, which involves acceptance and openness.

Back Pain: Symbols of Emotional Burden

The back as a reflection of emotional and material support

Back pain often indicates how we handle support in our life:

  • Upper back: reflects a lack of emotional support, feeling alone in your efforts.
  • Middle back: is associated with guilt and regrets from the past.
  • Lower back: indicates material or financial concerns, often linked to fear of the future and financial insecurity.

Blood Pressure and Repressed Emotions

High Blood Pressure: Conflict and Repression

Hypertension arises from not expressing feelings and emotions, maintaining constant tension from unresolved conflicts. This perpetual state of alert can lead to serious health issues.

Low Blood Pressure: Avoidance and Lack of Vital Energy

On the other hand, hypotension often results from avoiding facing problems, reflecting a low level of vital energy and a tendency not to assert oneself in situations that require decision or action.

Eating Disorders like Bulimia

Bulimia: Seeking Love and Acceptance

This disorder reflects an emotional void and a desperate need for affection and security. It is often associated with the fear of abandonment and deep personal insecurity.

Understanding Cancer: The Impact of Emotional Turmoil

The Connection Between Cancer and Negative Emotions

Research suggests a link between enduring emotional distress, such as profound internal anger and an unconscious wish for self-harm, and the development of cancer. This disease may thrive in environments where destructive thoughts and unresolved feelings of regret prevail, often stemming from issues related to self-esteem and self-forgiveness.

Healing Through Forgiveness

The healing process in biodecoding emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, both towards oneself and others, as a fundamental step to release toxic emotions that can manifest in serious illnesses like cancer.

Colds and Flu: Signs of Purification

Biodecoding Common Respiratory Diseases

Colds and the flu are interpreted in biodecoding as natural methods for the body to purify itself from toxins accumulated through food, drinks and air. Rest is recommended to allow the body to regenerate. The underlying cause is often attributed to inadequate breathing, which does not allow sufficient oxygenation of the body.

Constipation: A Reflection of Emotional Retention

Emotional Greed and Resistance to Change

Constipation is associated with retention not only physically but emotionally, related to clinging to old beliefs and fear of facing new realities. This reflects a resistance to letting go and moving forward, manifesting physically as a difficulty in eliminating waste from the body.

Diabetes: A Need for Sweetness in Life

The Connection Between Love and Metabolic Health

Diabetes is interpreted as a manifestation of perceived lack of love and the inability to allow oneself to be loved, leading to a state of internal acidity. This condition is seen as a symbol of the lack of “sweetness” or joy in one’s life.

Heart Health: The Impact of Emotional Stress

The Strong Connection Between the Heart and Emotions

Heart health can be significantly affected by emotional factors. A deficiency in compassion and conviction, coupled with an abundance of negative emotions and a preoccupation with survival challenges, can lead to heart-related issues. Feelings of hostility, impatience, and relentless competition can intensify the strain on the heart. This may result in more severe conditions such as chronic fatigue and a generally pessimistic view of life.

Ulcers: Fear and Self-Deception

Emotional Impact on Gastrointestinal Health

Ulcers are linked with fear, low self-esteem and the act of lying to oneself, which can alter the body’s chemical composition and exacerbate or cause this condition.

Asthma: Emotions and Breathing

Emotional Imbalances Affecting Respiratory Function

Asthma is seen as the result of not properly managing emotions related to breathing, where past episodes continue to affect current respiratory capacity.

Vitiligo: Effects of Stress on the Skin

Self-Esteem and Skin Pigmentation

Vitiligo, which causes loss of pigmentation and skin discoloration, is seen as a result of stress and nervous tension. Biodecoding suggests strengthening confidence and calm to improve this condition.

Claustrophobia: Anxiety in Confined Spaces

Loss of Emotional and Spatial Control

Claustrophobia is interpreted as a reaction to distress and loss of emotional control in confined spaces, reflecting a need to better manage stress and physical limitation situations.

Gastritis: The Connection Between Emotions and Eating

Emotional Influence on Gastrointestinal Health

Gastritis is often associated with a prolonged state of nervous irritation and a lack of discipline in the quality, timing and regularity of meals. This disorder highlights the importance of a holistic approach that includes stress management and careful eating to maintain stomach health.

Finding Health: Comprehensive Measures for Well-being

Guidelines for a Healthy Lifestyle

The “medicine” to achieve an optimal state of health lies in a comprehensive approach that encompasses various aspects of life:

  • Mental peace: essential to reduce stress and improve overall health.
  • Active spiritual life: promotes a sense of purpose and connection.
  • Natural and balanced diet: crucial for physical and mental health.
  • Regular exercise: enhances both physical and emotional health.
  • Healthy personal relationships: support emotional and mental well-being.
  • Satisfying work: contributes to overall happiness and reduces stress.
  • Cared-for environment: a healthy environment enhances overall health.

Positive emotions play a crucial role, as they not only help manage difficulties related to diseases but also accelerate recovery.

The Therapeutic Power of Laughter

Laughter Therapy as a Healing Tool

Laughter and good humor not only provide relief from tensions but also stabilize the emotional state, contributing to better mental and physical health. Optimism and hope are equally beneficial, improving resilience in the face of adverse situations, including serious illnesses.

The Importance of Self-Knowledge and Self-Acceptance

Solitude and Reflection as Pathways to Health

Spending time alone with oneself is essential to connect with the inner self, allowing one to let go of the past and free oneself from future expectations. This process is vital for achieving a genuine state of well-being.

The convalescence period after an illness is equally important, providing the body with the necessary time to fully recover.

Self-love as the Foundation of Well-being

Self-love is the first step towards finding love in other aspects of life. Without self-acceptance, an emotional void persists that can negatively affect overall health.

Each of these elements reinforces the notion that health is a balance between body, mind and spirit and that each aspect of our lives contributes to our overall health.

With information from Josep Masdeu Brufal – Naturopath


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