
The power of the Archangels, your heavenly guides to a full life. Connect with Miguel, Rafael, Gabriel and others to find love, peace and protection. Lift your spirit and unlock your potential. Tune your energy for total well-being!

Archangel Michael

Miguel Arcangel / Archangel Michael

The archangel Michael is the commander of the heavenly armies. It was he who expelled Satan and his rebellious angels and who will fight with the Dragon mentioned in the Apocalypse. His main function is to protect us from demonic forces and evil spirits and among the gifts, we can ask him for are courage and willpower.


Zodiacal Horoscope of the Archangels

Horóscopo de los Arcángeles

Some of the Archangels have long been linked with astrology and astrological symbols have been associated with them to help humans better understand the spiritual influence they have on our lives. They relate to each of the twelve signs of the zodiac, each related to certain qualities, gifts, characteristics and abilities.


Rosary of St. Michael the Archangel

Rosario de San Miguel Arcángel / Rosary of St. Michael the Archangel

Have you ever heard of St. Michael the Archangel’s promises to those who pray his rosary each day? The archangel declared that he wanted nine salutations to be made in honor of the nine choirs of angels, consisting of the recitation of an Our Father and three Hail Marys in honor of each choir, in an apparition to the Servant of God Antônia d’Astonoac in Portugal.
