Angel Number 48 Mihael

Angel Number 48 Mihael,

Number: 48
Tree of life: Tiphareth’s sphere
Planetary energy: Sun
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Meaning: “God the Father who helps”.
Prince: Archangel Raphael
Regency hours: 15:40 to 16:00

Angel 48 Mihael: The Quest for Unified Consciousness

Imagine you have a kind of spiritual guide in the palm of your hand, one who is a master at keeping everything in zen and synchrony, especially when it comes to love and relationships.

His name is Mihael and he is like that wise friend who always knows how to stay calm amid chaos. A couple of arguments that make you want to throw in the towel? He’s there to turn down the heat. Not in the way a couple’s counselor with an appointment would, but rather as an energy you can summon to find clarity and peace when everything seems like a reality show episode.

This angel is like the king of harmony. If your home feels more like a battlefield than a sanctuary, invoking Mihael can be like pressing the reset button. It’s about bringing happiness back, making things flow smoothly between you and your partner, or among your family members.

But wait, there’s more. It’s not just about getting along. Mihael is like that filter you apply to your photos that make everything look lit and shiny. He speaks of uniting what is separate, merging ideas or perspectives that seem opposite.

Imagine having the ability to see all angles of a situation, not just your own. That’s what Mihael offers: a 360-degree vision to better understand problems and, of course, solve them.

And yes, we are talking about uniting masculine and feminine energies as well. Not in a gender sense, but as qualities and forces that we all have within us. Mihael promotes a balance of power, passion, tenderness and mutual respect. Sounds good, right?

Think of Mihael as that last secret ingredient that your relationship or family dynamic is missing, that special touch that turns a boring meal into a gourmet dinner. It’s about fostering true love, that deep friendship and loyalty that survives the ups and downs of life.

If what you seek is to give a boost to your love life, find the perfect balance in your personal world and perhaps also improve your sexual life (yes, he takes care of that too), thinking of Mihael might be the beginning of something wonderful.

Consider him as that celestial influence that helps you navigate the sometimes stormy seas of the heart and coexistence.

Schedules and Dates of Angel 48’s Regency

  • Schedule: 15:40 to 16:00
  • Jewish Calendar 5785: 9 to 13 of Cheshvan, 5785
  • Gregorian Calendar 2024: November 16 to 21, May 7, July 21, October 3, December 14 and February 23
Note: The dates mentioned refer to the current year’s ruling year. Let us help you discover the names of your birth angels according to the week, day and time of birth.

Those Born Under the Guardianship of the Kabbalistic Angel 48 Mihael: Love, Balance and Social Change

If you resonate with this angel, it is as though you are attuned to a frequency that vibrates with sincerity and a loving life which are your main objectives. You possess that enviable balance between passion and romance that many seek but few find.

Should Mihael be your celestial guide, you likely find yourself acting as the peacemaker in your team. You are that person who is always extending love and protecting the group’s positive vibe. You have a special ability to bring people together, whether in a casual gathering or more intense debates.

Furthermore, you are someone with a brilliant mind and a heart that advocates for equality, especially when it comes to defending women’s rights. It is not uncommon to find you co-creating projects that enhance community health and paying special attention to the well-being of children. You are all about content that unites and strengthens relationships, from the family to the professional realm.

And speaking of family, yours is like a support team for your endeavors and it wouldn’t surprise you if you ended up leading a house full of energy and laughter from many mini-yous.

As a parent, you set high standards for education, but you are fair and supportive with a firm hand and an open heart. Your mission is to carry that banner of humanitarianism, touching lives along the way.

In the professional field, you are destined to make significant moves. Think of strategic alliances in the business world or politics, where your gift for public relations and the law shines. And let’s not forget about your artistic side, which is nourished by nature and brings that unique perspective to everything you do.

Thus, if Mihael is your guide, you are playing at a different level, wisely blending your passion for social progress with a heart that is always ready for love. Keep it up!

Angels of November