Angel Yelahiah Number 44

Angel Yelahiah Number 44,

Number: 44
Tree of Life: Tiphareth’s sphere
Planetary energy: Sun
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Meaning: “Eternal God”
Prince: Archangel Raphael
Regency schedule: 14:20 to 14:40

Angel 44 Yelahiah: Justice, Courage, and Divine Protection. Transforming Adversity into Triumph

Angel 44 Yelahiah is not only associated with protection during times of adversity but also with the ability to transform negative situations into positive ones, making it a figure of great importance for those facing considerable challenges.

Besides its known capability to soften and, at times, eliminate negative judgments about us, it offers a deep connection with divine mercy. This connection manifests in the ability to turn accusers into defenders, providing not just relief in moments of judgment but also promoting an environment of understanding and support. It is important to note that, by invoking Yelahiah, one opens a door towards bravery and determination, essential elements for overcoming obstacles and unleashing one’s inner power.

On the other hand, Yelahiah is sought after for its influence in matters of justice, especially in legal contexts. Because of this, many people turn to its guidance when they find themselves during disputes or situations where significant disadvantages are perceived, as it can tilt the scales of justice in favor of its proteges, offering protection against both physical and emotional threats.

Furthermore, Yelahiah’s presence in a person’s life not only guarantees protection and guidance in times of need but is also associated with prosperity and longevity. Its influence is such that it is considered a boost towards success in various endeavors, ensuring that those under its care not only face life’s challenges with courage but also thrive through them.

Finally, it is crucial to understand that the relationship with Yelahiah is not limited to requesting its intervention in difficult moments. In reality, meditating and connecting with this angel opens up a path to personal and spiritual growth, where justice, courage, and mercy become pillars of everyday life.

Schedules and Dates of Angel 44’s Regency

  • Schedule: 14:20 to 14:40
  • Jewish Calendar 5785: Tishrei 25 to 30
  • Gregorian Calendar 2024: October 27 to November 1, May 2, July 17, September 29, December 10 and February 19
Note: The dates mentioned refer to the current year’s ruling year. Let us help you discover the names of your birth angels according to the week, day and time of birth.

Blessed by Angel 44 Yelahiah: Born to Shine and Uphold Justice

Those influenced by the angel Yelahiah are true globe-trotters, gifted with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. They are drawn to the most remote corners of the world, and every journey they undertake seems destined for success. These individuals are not only recognized for their courageous deeds but also for their innate talent.

You feel that curiosity about history, don’t you? Those born under the shadow of Yelahiah are detectives of the past. They delve into historical mysteries, clarifying obscure episodes and unraveling forgotten truths. Moreover, they possess a unique spiritual connection: many have experiences of past lives that shed light on the dark chapters of history.

However, not everything is a bed of roses. These individuals carry with them karma, a debt from the past. They may encounter people from previous lives demanding unsettled accounts. But Yelahiah, knowing the challenges they will face, endows them with courage and strategy. It’s not about conquering the adversary, but transforming them into an ally.

In their professional lives, their generosity shines bright. They are always willing to give a chance, firmly believing in the power of effort and hard work. Their energy seems inexhaustible, and no obstacle deters them. They value integrity and would never jeopardize their reputation for dubious situations. Instead, they flow with life, expressing their love constructively and defending their ideals, especially when it comes to family and culture.

They are the pillar in any crisis, the beacon in the darkness. Respected and admired, they possess the gift of finding solutions to the most complex problems. Their bravery is legendary, confronting any danger in the name of justice. It is no wonder that many of them stand out as journalists or lawyers.

With a sincere heart, honesty, and a profound sense of justice, those protected by Yelahiah thrive in professions demanding insight and passion. Whether as historians, anthropologists, sociologists, missionaries, or in any field of the humanities, they are a gift to the world.

Angels of October