Angel Number 3 Sitael

Angel Number 3 Sitael,

Number: 3
Tree of Life: located in Keter’s sphere
Planetary energies: Neptune and Jupiter
Zodiac sign: Aries
Meaning: “God of Hope”
Prince: Archangel Metatron
Regency hours: 00:40 to 01:00

Angel Sitael 3: For times of need and miracles

The angel known as Sitael is invoked by those seeking protection and refuge from adversity. His help can isolate people from calamity, keeping them safe “by miracle.”

Sitael is especially powerful in times of danger, such as accidents, violent attacks, or robberies, and is popularly associated with hope.

This angel provides access to jobs with greater executive responsibility and protection against weapons and malicious forces. He can help people stay true to their commitments and protect them from hypocritical tendencies, ingratitude, and perjury.

For those seeking to maintain Sitael’s protection, it is recommended to exercise the human capacity to forgive and avoid resentment and slander, as these attitudes are believed to scare off this sensitive and loving angel.

Schedules and Dates of Angel 3’s Regency

  • Schedule: 00:40 to 01:00
  • Jewish calendar regency: 1-5 Nisan, 5785
  • Gregorian calendar: March 31 to April 4, March 23, June 3, June 3, August 14, October 25 and January 5
Note: The dates mentioned refer to the current year’s ruling year. Let us help you discover the names of your birth angels according to the week, day and time of birth.

The influence of Angel 3 Sitael on those born under its protection

Angel Sitael is the protector of those born under its regency. For them, words are of utmost importance, as they believe the universe was created through God’s words and a promise made must be fulfilled without fail.

Those born under this angel have a strong aversion to lying and betrayal. In their lives, they value surrounding themselves with people who are just as serious and committed as they are. With an unbreakable will, they remain faithful to their convictions and principles.

They leave nothing to chance and plan every step of their life to meet their needs and goals. Do not believe in coincidences but in their luck and abilities to achieve financial and professional success.

They are lone workers but their strong charisma attracts people’s attention and makes them stand out. Are very active people and especially enjoy each day, not believing in the idea of fate and preferring to forge their path.

They have a lofty soul and a great capacity to easily understand the situations that life presents to them. Despite this, they can be a bit inhibited on certain occasions but always can transform and protect people with new ideas.

With great sympathy and kindness, they enjoy parties and celebrations but are reserved in their dress style. They are honest and direct in their words and do not know how to act cunningly or doubtfully.

Those born under the regency of Angel Sitael have vivid memories of past experiences that appear in the form of dreams. Their life goal is nobility and their guardian angel will be by their side in the face of adversity.

In the professional field, they will excel in administrative, managerial, ministerial, or leadership positions. They can also succeed as politicians or speakers. In general, their strong personality and convictions allow them to stand out in any field in which they operate.

Angels of March