Angel Number 17 Lauviah

Angel Number 17 Lauviah,

Number: 17
Tree of Life: Binah’s sphere
Planetary energy: Saturn
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Meaning: “God Almighty”
Prince: Archangel Tsaphkiel
Regency hours: 05:20 to 05:40

Angel 17 Lauviah: The Battle Against Ego

The 17th angel in Kabbalistic tradition, Lauviah, serves as a celestial ally who allows us to explore our true essence and shed the weight of the ego. With his divine intervention, he urges us to let go of the self-centered mentality, the obsession with “me first,” thus cultivating a more altruistic and humble perspective.

In situations where we feel constrained, suffocated by our own limitations, Lauviah appears as our liberator. He guides us through the internal labyrinths of confusion and fear, leading us to the luminous breadth of spiritual freedom. Furthermore, he demonstrates his strength and wisdom by confronting us with seemingly irresolvable dilemmas.

His essence guides us to transcend these obstacles and reach a higher level of consciousness and unity, where problems are seen as enriching challenges rather than insurmountable threats. Additionally, this angel manifests in the enigmatic dimension of our dreams, granting us premonitory visions and profound revelations during sleep, becoming a beacon in the dark depths of the night.

Possessing a bright inner light, Lauviah grants us surprising emotional balance and mental clarity. He awakens our intuition, helping us navigate life with enviable confidence and serenity. Moreover, he serves as a true muse for those seeking inspiration in creative mental activities.

His divine influences can bring innovative ideas and original solutions to life, enriching our thinking while acting as a catalyst for our creativity. Lauviah emerges as a formidable healer. His divine powers intervene in matters related to the “body of dreams,” such as insomnia, nightmares and night terrors.

Not only does he calm excessive nervous and mental activity, but he also offers comfort in cases of depression. With his guidance and protection, Lauviah helps us find peace amidst the storm and heal from within.

Schedules and Dates of Angel 17’s Regency

  • Schedule: 05:20 to 05:40
  • Jewish Calendar 5785: 14 to 19 Sivan
  • Gregorian Calendar 2024: June 10 to 15, April 5, June 18, September 1, November 13 and January 23, 2025
Note: The dates mentioned refer to the current year’s ruling year. Let us help you discover the names of your birth angels according to the week, day and time of birth.

The Inner Light of Those Born Under the Regency of Angel 17 Lauviah

Those born under the guardianship of Angel Lauviah possess a wide spectrum of unique gifts and abilities. Creativity and inspiration mark their character, brilliantly expressed in all forms of art. They exhibit keen sensitivity, enabling them to interpret and channel the intrinsic beauty of the world through their talent.

Interestingly, these individuals maintain a special connection with the dream world, gaining clarity and discernment through sleep. In this parallel dimension, they discover crucial answers and insights, transforming each night into a journey of learning and evolution.

The harmony emanating from their essence attracts people seeking peace and joy. This aura of tranquility that surrounds them turns their presence into a balm for those burdened by stress and discord.

They exhibit an innate ability to decipher symbolic messages and revelations, as the astral world communicates with them through the unconscious. Their experiences manifest as visions, premonitions, or images from higher planes.

Their sharp intuition and psychic abilities reveal themselves in small details, enriching music, poetry, literature and even philosophy. In every aspect of life, their sharp intuition and artistic perception transform the mundane into the magical.

Their noble character shines brightly, radiating an inner light that illuminates those around them. They harness their analogical abilities to achieve their goals, especially when acting for the benefit of others. Consequently, their dreams and aspirations often materialize, establishing them as essential pillars of their families or valuable assets in their work environment. However, obtaining their material goods may require effort and dedication, sometimes involving moments of difficulty and suffering.

In personal relationships, they maintain a pleasant and cordial demeanor, providing comfort and support to those in need. They possess a deep understanding of sadness and the internal mechanisms of the human being, which makes them empathetic and compassionate.

A taste for Kabbalah and philosophy is often common among them, distinguishing them through their extensive culture and scholarship. Professionally, they excel in fields such as medicine, philosophy, esotericism and social communication. Additionally, they may find fulfillment in creating toys, electrical devices, books, or pharmaceutical products, particularly those related to sleep.

Angels of June