Ana Beko’ach in Kabbalah: Connecting with the Energy of Creation

Ana Beko’ach in Kabbalah: Connecting with the Energy of Creation,

Imagine being able to connect with the original force that formed the universe. Ana Beko’ach, a secret prayer of Kabbalah, allows you to do precisely that. With its sequence of 42 letters, this prayer is the key to accessing the energy of creation and meditating on the spiritual Light. Discover how this ancient prayer can change your perception and elevate your consciousness.

Kabbalistic Meditation: Using Ana Beko’ach to Elevate Consciousness

The prayer of Ana Beko’ach, created by Rav Nehunya ben HaKana between the first and second centuries, is recognized as one of the most powerful for connecting with the power of Creation. Kabbalists explain that every time Ana Beko’ach is recited, one returns to the time of Creation, accessing the original incorrupt energy that formed the world. Meditating on this specific sequence enriches life with spiritual Light and pure cosmic energy.

Ana Beko’ach is hidden in the first 42 letters of the Book of Genesis, starting with the word bereshit and ending with vavohu.

This 42-letter Name of God is considered the source of this prayer’s efficacy, situated within the very story of Creation.

Ana Beko’ach in Kabbalah: Connecting with the Energy of Creation,

The prayer is recited in Hebrew from right to left and consists of seven lines, correlated with the seven days of Creation, the Seven Sefirot and the days of the week. Each line has six letters, except for the second line, which contains the phrase “Kra Satan” (remove Satan). According to the Zohar, the Hebrew letters represent a source code for all physical reality, with Ana Beko’ach being the code used to create the process of Creation.

Rav Berg explains that the 42 words of Ana Beko’ach correspond to the 42 letters of the Creation process. These words are divided into seven lines, representing the origins of seven different types of energy, each originating from one of the Seven Sefirot of the Tree of Life, from Chesed to Malchut. The Zohar reveals that these letters are the secret of the Mem-Bet (42) Name, a code for Creation that includes specific combinations of Hebrew letters.

Ana Beko’ach was given to humanity to help us become co-creators of reality. Every time we meditate using the sequence of 42 letters, we have the potential to elevate our consciousness and reset Creation. Rav Nehunya added words to the sequence so that we can remember these letters and use them as a prayer.

The Structure of the Universe According to Kabbalah

To understand how Ana Beko’ach works, it is essential to know the structure of the universe according to Kabbalah.

The Tree of Life, a central diagram in this teaching, shows ten spheres: nine higher and one at the lowest point, Malchut, our universe, a dimension without its own Light. Above Malchut are the emanations filled with the Creator’s Light, known as the Reality of the Tree of Life.

Yesod, a sphere above Malchut, acts as a funnel that gathers the Light from the higher spheres and releases it into Malchut. Human consciousness attracts this Light into the physical dimension with our desire. If our desire is clear and aligned with the Light, we attract Light and become the cause of illumination in this world.

The Wisdom of Kabbalah

Rav Berg highlights that our souls initially rejected the Creator’s Light, leading to the restriction of spiritual Light. Now, the Light comes in packages of physical energy that we can release through restriction, earning the right to receive and co-create.

Kabbalah offers various tools, such as the Hebrew letters and other instruments, to attract the Light from the higher spheres. Kabbalists explain that the Bible is not just a religious document but a blueprint that describes the structure and coding necessary to reveal the Light.

It sounds simple to reconfigure desires regarding temptations and focus on desiring Light, but the attraction of physical distractions is intense. The gravitational force can make us lose sight of the Light we can bring into the world. Tools like Ana Beko’ach help us recalibrate and remember our purpose.

The Importance of Ana Beko’ach

Rav Berg emphasizes that by using the prayer of Ana Beko’ach with concentrated awareness, we can return to the source of existence and reset our reality. This prayer acts as an interface between the Light Force of God and the created universe, allowing a reconnection with the Perfect Universe.

In the biblical portion of Mas’ei, the journey of the Israelites through the desert in 42 stages is described, symbolizing the soul’s process in its spiritual evolution. Every time we meditate on Ana Beko’ach, we take our soul through these 42 stages, bringing us closer to our correction and elevating us to the World of Yetzirah.

Conclusion of Ana Beko’ach

Although in our physical body it is challenging to maintain this level of ascension, using Ana Beko’ach allows us to experience a more expanded and exalted consciousness. This tool helps us live in the physical world without being consumed by it, similar to the burning bush that Moses saw.

Rav Berg concludes that Ana Beko’ach is an interface between the Light Force of God and the universe, allowing us to return to the original state of purity before the world’s corruption. With Ana Beko’ach, we can be our own creators, part of God and control our life.

Ana Beko’ach is not just a prayer; it is a powerful Kabbalistic tool that connects us with the original energy of the universe. By meditating on its sequence of 42 letters, we can elevate our consciousness and transform our reality. Use the power of Ana Beko’ach to be a co-creator of your destiny and attract Light into your life.

With information from The Kabbalah Centre