Adamic Civilization: An Alternative Origin for Adam and Eve

Adamic Civilization: An Alternative Origin for Adam and Eve,

The Adamic Civilization offers a fascinating perspective on the origins of humanity, linking Adam and Eve with Atlantis and spiritual teachings attributed to modern esotericism. These accounts propose an alternative context that redefines the foundations of traditional myths.

Mysterious Connection Between Atlantis and the Adamic Civilization

Initially, conventional chronicles attribute to Adam and Eve the role of progenitors of all humanity. In contrast, lesser-known sources, cited in books like Origins of Adamic Civilization, suggest a different context.

They place Adamú and Evana—the original names of the purported pair—near the Euphrates River, in the ancient region of Ethea. There, both grew up orphaned and were taken in by a family of deer while inhabiting a cave previously occupied by a sage named Gaudes.

Additionally, these texts propose that Adamú and Evana were partly descended from royal lineages linked to Atlantis, described as an advanced continent. This notion contrasts with the orthodox biblical version and raises questions about the coexistence of multiple civilizations in that remote era. Thus, it is suggested that the origin of human society is not limited to a single pair of ancestors.

The Atlantean Factor and Cultural Expansion

Subsequently, the Adamic theory argues that Atlantis played a decisive role in the knowledge passed down to future generations.

According to this perspective, Princess Sophia of Otlana, Evana’s mother, was descended from the Atlantean King Nohepastro, mentioned in some texts as “Noah.” Similarly, Adamú’s father, Aldis, was a guardian in a royal palace, reinforcing the idea of a direct link with notable lineages.

It is also explained that, after reuniting during adolescence, Adamú and Evana married and initiated a community that sought to expand Atlantean wisdom. This nascent civilization, far from being the first on the planet, drew upon technological innovations and spiritual practices.

However, the data remain uncertain, as writing, though existent, was preserved in archives guarded by initiates. Therefore, no fully verifiable documents have survived to this day.

The Controversy Surrounding the Garden of Eden

Meanwhile, biblical accounts depict a perfect Garden of Eden where a serpent incited original sin, resulting in the expulsion of the first humans. However, the esoteric version of the Garden of Eden describes it as an exceptional natural site, located near a river of abundant flow, though not of a supernatural nature.

This place is said to have been idealized over time, eventually becoming the symbolic image of Eden as represented in later traditions.

Consequently, writings about Kaíno, adopted by Adamú and Evana, delve into the discord between brothers without attributing premeditated murder to him. Instead, they narrate how Abel’s death occurred indirectly during a rebellion led by Kaíno.

This divergence eliminates the element of direct guilt traditionally assigned to Cain, while simultaneously reshaping the angelic expulsion depicted in most religious interpretations.

After analyzing these narratives, it is remarkable how concepts associated with modern esotericism emerge. According to certain researchers from the school known as “Kobda,” Adamú was an early incarnation of a “Great Being of Light” identified as the Ascended Master Ray Sol, associated with teachings similar to those attributed to Saint Germain in New Age circles.

Influence on Modern Historiography

The Adamic Civilization has attracted the interest of individuals inclined to explore the intersection of mythology, archaeology, and spirituality. The debate over its veracity resonates in forums and communities studying alternative testimonies.

Numerous authors caution that without substantial archaeological evidence, it is impossible to corroborate these accounts. However, others argue that the loss of archives, libraries, and entire continents, like Atlantis, complicates the confirmation of any hypothesis.

Likewise, proponents of this view assert that the literal interpretation of sacred scriptures has distorted the original message. They believe the story of Adam and Eve, with its tempting serpent and avenging angel, emerged from the need to simplify more complex truths into language accessible to ancient audiences.

Ultimately, the so-called Adamic Civilization represents a tapestry of myths, memories, and spiritual interpretations suggesting an alternative origin for Adam and Eve. While it lacks acceptance within the conventional historical field, its narrative arouses curiosity and offers a fascinating perspective on the evolution of mythical accounts.

Moreover, its connection with Atlantis and its continuity in current esoteric currents add a captivating nuance. Ultimately, it is up to each reader to reflect on the combination of legend, symbolism, and probable historical data surrounding these texts.

Master Ruada — Ancient History – Adam and Eve